러스트로 작성된 옵서버
옵서버 패턴은 일부 객체들이 다른 객체들에 자신의 상태 변경에 대해 알릴 수 있는 행동 디자인 패턴입니다.
옵서버 패턴은 구독자 인터페이스를 구현하는 모든 객체에 대한 이러한 이벤트들을 구독 및 구독 취소하는 방법을 제공합니다.
Conceptual example
In Rust, a convenient way to define a subscriber is to have a function as a callable object with complex logic passing it to a event publisher.
In this Observer example, Subscribers are either a lambda function or an explicit function subscribed to the event. Explicit function objects could be also unsubscribed (although, there could be limitations for some function types).
use crate::observer::{Event, Publisher};
/// Editor has its own logic and it utilizes a publisher
/// to operate with subscribers and events.
pub struct Editor {
publisher: Publisher,
file_path: String,
impl Editor {
pub fn events(&mut self) -> &mut Publisher {
&mut self.publisher
pub fn load(&mut self, path: String) {
self.file_path = path.clone();
self.publisher.notify(Event::Load, path);
pub fn save(&self) {
self.publisher.notify(Event::Save, self.file_path.clone());
use std::collections::HashMap;
/// An event type.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone)]
pub enum Event {
/// A subscriber (listener) has type of a callable function.
pub type Subscriber = fn(file_path: String);
/// Publisher sends events to subscribers (listeners).
pub struct Publisher {
events: HashMap<Event, Vec<Subscriber>>,
impl Publisher {
pub fn subscribe(&mut self, event_type: Event, listener: Subscriber) {
pub fn unsubscribe(&mut self, event_type: Event, listener: Subscriber) {
.retain(|&x| x != listener);
pub fn notify(&self, event_type: Event, file_path: String) {
let listeners = self.events.get(&event_type).unwrap();
for listener in listeners {
use editor::Editor;
use observer::Event;
mod editor;
mod observer;
fn main() {
let mut editor = Editor::default();
editor.events().subscribe(Event::Load, |file_path| {
let log = "/path/to/log/file.txt".to_string();
println!("Save log to {}: Load file {}", log, file_path);
editor.events().subscribe(Event::Save, save_listener);
editor.events().unsubscribe(Event::Save, save_listener);
fn save_listener(file_path: String) {
let email = "admin@example.com".to_string();
println!("Email to {}: Save file {}", email, file_path);
Save log to /path/to/log/file.txt: Load file test1.txt Save log to /path/to/log/file.txt: Load file test2.txt Email to admin@example.com: Save file test2.txt