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An online course about code smells and refactoring
REBAJA de otoño
plus local taxes

Hi, my name is Alexander Shvets, I'm the creator of this website. After two years of work, I'm happy to present to you my course on refactoring, which will make you a better programmer.

I have been programming since I was 13. Windows didn't even have a Start button back then. Since that time, I have worked at five companies, learned a half a dozen programming languages and launched several successful projects.

In this course, I will share my knowledge with you and teach you to:

  • See the difference between beautiful and ugly code.
  • Improve ugly code, even where you thought it was impossible.
  • Change the code in such a way that it doesn't break other parts of your program.

You will love the course if you have ever felt like this cat here sitting in front of a broken build.

What’s inside?

The course teaches you about 21 smells of bad code and 66 refactoring techniques to fix them.

Each chapter includes examples in Java, C# and PHP.

The refactoring techniques are illustrated with live examples. These are much easier to follow than static code—and more fun, too!

The course can be downloaded for offline use as an ebook in PDF, EPUB, MOBI formats.

The course doesn't have any time restrictions. You can pass it at a convenient time at your own pace any number of times you want. On average, it takes about 8 hours to pass the whole course.


Home page

The home page with links to the forum and cheat sheets.
Home page
First steps

First steps into the course.
A code smell

Going through one of the code smells.
Lots of content

The course covers 21 code smells and 66 refactorings.
A live example

Live examples show you how to apply refactorings step-by-step.
Live example diff

Each example is followed by a diff view between starting and resulting code.
Live example diff

Why would I buy this course instead of a thick book about refactoring?

This course is written in simple, accessible language with no academic jargon. Direct and to the point with a minimum of fluff.

It’s optimized for tablet viewing. So go ahead and read it on your couch while sipping some tasty cappuccino.

Interactive elements of the course help to keep you on your toes, unlike ordinary books that lull you to sleep after ten minutes.

Oh and did I mention the live interactive examples? Yes I did, but they’re too cool not to mention again!

Certificate of completion

After finishing the course you'll get an electronic certificate of completion. While it certainly looks awesome on the wall, you could also put it in your CV, increasing your chances during the next job interview.

Example of the certificate
Satisfaction guaranteed

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Your purchase of the course is absolutely risk-free. If within a month you decide that you are unhappy with your purchase, I will immediately refund all your money, no questions asked.

REBAJA de otoño
plus local taxes
Buy now
(this price won't last forever)
  • Unlimited access to the Dive Into Refactoring course.
  • Source of a great programming experience.
  • Printable refactoring cheat-sheets.
  • And all of this with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Here's what other people say

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Frequently asked questions

What do I receive after I pay?
You receive a username and password for an account on this site. Then you log in and start the course. Your account will also have links for downloading bonus materials.
How long do I get access for? Is there a time limit?
There is no time limit, and no monthly/yearly fee to keep access. Log in whenever you like and the course will be there for you!
What payment methods do you accept?
You can pay with credit/debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, Discover, JBC, and more), PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, iDeal, NetBanking, WeChat Pay, and Alipay. You can also pay using cryptocurrency.
How do you keep my data safe?
Your payment information is encrypted and sent directly to the payment gateway. It is never transmitted to or stored on our server.
Can I get my money back if I’m dissatisfied with the course?
Yes! If you aren't satisfied, please send an email to with a copy of your receipt and you will be refunded, no questions asked.
Can I get an invoice after purchase?
Yes! You will be able to download the invoice after purchase.
Will you translate the course to Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, etc.?
We plan to translate the course on more languages after author finishes the second edition of the course. Still, note that if you order the course now, you will be able to access the translated version once it's released.

Have more questions?

Send us a forum message or email We usually respond within a few hours.

REBAJA de otoño
plus local taxes
Optimized for tablets
30-day money-back guarantee