Command em Rust
O Command é um padrão de projeto comportamental que converte solicitações ou operações simples em objetos.
A conversão permite a execução adiada ou remota de comandos, armazenamento do histórico de comandos, etc.
In Rust, a command instance should NOT hold a permanent reference to global context, instead the latter should be passed from top to down as a mutable parameter of the “execute
” method:
fn execute(&mut self, app: &mut cursive::Cursive) -> bool;
Text Editor: Commands and Undo
Key points:
- Each button runs a separate command.
- Because a command is represented as an object, it can be pushed into a
array in order to be undone later. - TUI is created with
command.rs: Command Inteface
mod copy;
mod cut;
mod paste;
pub use copy::CopyCommand;
pub use cut::CutCommand;
pub use paste::PasteCommand;
/// Declares a method for executing (and undoing) a command.
/// Each command receives an application context to access
/// visual components (e.g. edit view) and a clipboard.
pub trait Command {
fn execute(&mut self, app: &mut cursive::Cursive) -> bool;
fn undo(&mut self, app: &mut cursive::Cursive);
command/copy.rs: Copy Command
use cursive::{views::EditView, Cursive};
use super::Command;
use crate::AppContext;
pub struct CopyCommand;
impl Command for CopyCommand {
fn execute(&mut self, app: &mut Cursive) -> bool {
let editor = app.find_name::<EditView>("Editor").unwrap();
let mut context = app.take_user_data::<AppContext>().unwrap();
context.clipboard = editor.get_content().to_string();
fn undo(&mut self, _: &mut Cursive) {}
command/cut.rs: Cut Command
use cursive::{views::EditView, Cursive};
use super::Command;
use crate::AppContext;
pub struct CutCommand {
backup: String,
impl Command for CutCommand {
fn execute(&mut self, app: &mut Cursive) -> bool {
let mut editor = app.find_name::<EditView>("Editor").unwrap();
app.with_user_data(|context: &mut AppContext| {
self.backup = editor.get_content().to_string();
context.clipboard = self.backup.clone();
fn undo(&mut self, app: &mut Cursive) {
let mut editor = app.find_name::<EditView>("Editor").unwrap();
command/paste.rs: Paste Command
use cursive::{views::EditView, Cursive};
use super::Command;
use crate::AppContext;
pub struct PasteCommand {
backup: String,
impl Command for PasteCommand {
fn execute(&mut self, app: &mut Cursive) -> bool {
let mut editor = app.find_name::<EditView>("Editor").unwrap();
app.with_user_data(|context: &mut AppContext| {
self.backup = editor.get_content().to_string();
fn undo(&mut self, app: &mut Cursive) {
let mut editor = app.find_name::<EditView>("Editor").unwrap();
main.rs: Client code
mod command;
use cursive::{
views::{Dialog, EditView},
use command::{Command, CopyCommand, CutCommand, PasteCommand};
/// An application context to be passed into visual component callbacks.
/// It contains a clipboard and a history of commands to be undone.
struct AppContext {
clipboard: String,
history: Vec<Box<dyn Command>>,
fn main() {
let mut app = cursive::default();
.title("Type and use buttons")
.button("Copy", |s| execute(s, CopyCommand))
.button("Cut", |s| execute(s, CutCommand::default()))
.button("Paste", |s| execute(s, PasteCommand::default()))
.button("Undo", undo)
.button("Quit", |s| s.quit()),
/// Executes a command and then pushes it to a history array.
fn execute(app: &mut Cursive, mut command: impl Command + 'static) {
if command.execute(app) {
app.with_user_data(|context: &mut AppContext| {
/// Pops the last command and executes an undo action.
fn undo(app: &mut Cursive) {
let mut context = app.take_user_data::<AppContext>().unwrap();
if let Some(mut command) = context.history.pop() {