Façade en PHP
La Façade est un patron de conception structurel qui fournit une interface simplifiée (mais limitée) à un système complexe de classes, bibliothèques ou frameworks.
La façade permet non seulement de diminuer la complexité générale d’une application, mais elle permet également de rassembler les dépendances indésirables au même endroit.
Complexité :
Popularité :
Exemples d’utilisation : La façade est régulièrement utilisée dans les applications PHP. Ses classes simplifient l’utilisation de bibliothèques complexes ou d’API.
Identification : La façade peut être reconnue dans une classe qui a une interface simple, mais délègue la majorité des tâches à d’autres. En général, la façade gère le cycle de vie des objets qu’elle utilise.
Exemple conceptuel
Dans cet exemple, nous allons voir la structure de la Façade et répondre aux questions suivantes :
- Que contiennent les classes ?
- Quels rôles jouent-elles ?
- Comment les éléments du patron sont-ils reliés ?
Après avoir étudié la structure du patron, vous pourrez plus facilement comprendre l’exemple suivant qui est basé sur un cas d’utilisation réel en PHP.
index.php: Exemple conceptuel
namespace RefactoringGuru\Facade\Conceptual;
* The Facade class provides a simple interface to the complex logic of one or
* several subsystems. The Facade delegates the client requests to the
* appropriate objects within the subsystem. The Facade is also responsible for
* managing their lifecycle. All of this shields the client from the undesired
* complexity of the subsystem.
class Facade
protected $subsystem1;
protected $subsystem2;
* Depending on your application's needs, you can provide the Facade with
* existing subsystem objects or force the Facade to create them on its own.
public function __construct(
Subsystem1 $subsystem1 = null,
Subsystem2 $subsystem2 = null
) {
$this->subsystem1 = $subsystem1 ?: new Subsystem1();
$this->subsystem2 = $subsystem2 ?: new Subsystem2();
* The Facade's methods are convenient shortcuts to the sophisticated
* functionality of the subsystems. However, clients get only to a fraction
* of a subsystem's capabilities.
public function operation(): string
$result = "Facade initializes subsystems:\n";
$result .= $this->subsystem1->operation1();
$result .= $this->subsystem2->operation1();
$result .= "Facade orders subsystems to perform the action:\n";
$result .= $this->subsystem1->operationN();
$result .= $this->subsystem2->operationZ();
return $result;
* The Subsystem can accept requests either from the facade or client directly.
* In any case, to the Subsystem, the Facade is yet another client, and it's not
* a part of the Subsystem.
class Subsystem1
public function operation1(): string
return "Subsystem1: Ready!\n";
// ...
public function operationN(): string
return "Subsystem1: Go!\n";
* Some facades can work with multiple subsystems at the same time.
class Subsystem2
public function operation1(): string
return "Subsystem2: Get ready!\n";
// ...
public function operationZ(): string
return "Subsystem2: Fire!\n";
* The client code works with complex subsystems through a simple interface
* provided by the Facade. When a facade manages the lifecycle of the subsystem,
* the client might not even know about the existence of the subsystem. This
* approach lets you keep the complexity under control.
function clientCode(Facade $facade)
// ...
echo $facade->operation();
// ...
* The client code may have some of the subsystem's objects already created. In
* this case, it might be worthwhile to initialize the Facade with these objects
* instead of letting the Facade create new instances.
$subsystem1 = new Subsystem1();
$subsystem2 = new Subsystem2();
$facade = new Facade($subsystem1, $subsystem2);
Output.txt: Résultat de l’exécution
Facade initializes subsystems:
Subsystem1: Ready!
Subsystem2: Get ready!
Facade orders subsystems to perform the action:
Subsystem1: Go!
Subsystem2: Fire!
Analogie du monde réel
Il faut voir la Façade comme un facilitateur pour les sous-systèmes complexes. Elle isole la complexité dans une seule classe et permet au code de l’application d’utiliser cette interface bien plus directe.
Dans cet exemple, la façade cache la complexité de l’API YouTube et de la bibliothèque FFmpeg au code client. Plutôt que de travailler avec des dizaines de classes, le client utilise une méthode simple de la façade.
index.php: Exemple du monde réel
namespace RefactoringGuru\Facade\RealWorld;
* The Facade provides a single method for downloading videos from YouTube. This
* method hides all the complexity of the PHP network layer, YouTube API and the
* video conversion library (FFmpeg).
class YouTubeDownloader
protected $youtube;
protected $ffmpeg;
* It is handy when the Facade can manage the lifecycle of the subsystem it
* uses.
public function __construct(string $youtubeApiKey)
$this->youtube = new YouTube($youtubeApiKey);
$this->ffmpeg = new FFMpeg();
* The Facade provides a simple method for downloading video and encoding it
* to a target format (for the sake of simplicity, the real-world code is
* commented-out).
public function downloadVideo(string $url): void
echo "Fetching video metadata from youtube...\n";
// $title = $this->youtube->fetchVideo($url)->getTitle();
echo "Saving video file to a temporary file...\n";
// $this->youtube->saveAs($url, "video.mpg");
echo "Processing source video...\n";
// $video = $this->ffmpeg->open('video.mpg');
echo "Normalizing and resizing the video to smaller dimensions...\n";
// $video
// ->filters()
// ->resize(new FFMpeg\Coordinate\Dimension(320, 240))
// ->synchronize();
echo "Capturing preview image...\n";
// $video
// ->frame(FFMpeg\Coordinate\TimeCode::fromSeconds(10))
// ->save($title . 'frame.jpg');
echo "Saving video in target formats...\n";
// $video
// ->save(new FFMpeg\Format\Video\X264(), $title . '.mp4')
// ->save(new FFMpeg\Format\Video\WMV(), $title . '.wmv')
// ->save(new FFMpeg\Format\Video\WebM(), $title . '.webm');
echo "Done!\n";
* The YouTube API subsystem.
class YouTube
public function fetchVideo(): string { /* ... */ }
public function saveAs(string $path): void { /* ... */ }
// ...more methods and classes...
* The FFmpeg subsystem (a complex video/audio conversion library).
class FFMpeg
public static function create(): FFMpeg { /* ... */ }
public function open(string $video): void { /* ... */ }
// ...more methods and classes... RU: ...дополнительные методы и классы...
class FFMpegVideo
public function filters(): self { /* ... */ }
public function resize(): self { /* ... */ }
public function synchronize(): self { /* ... */ }
public function frame(): self { /* ... */ }
public function save(string $path): self { /* ... */ }
// ...more methods and classes... RU: ...дополнительные методы и классы...
* The client code does not depend on any subsystem's classes. Any changes
* inside the subsystem's code won't affect the client code. You will only need
* to update the Facade.
function clientCode(YouTubeDownloader $facade)
// ...
// ...
$facade = new YouTubeDownloader("APIKEY-XXXXXXXXX");
Output.txt: Résultat de l’exécution
Fetching video metadata from youtube...
Saving video file to a temporary file...
Processing source video...
Normalizing and resizing the video to smaller dimensions...
Capturing preview image...
Saving video in target formats...