PHP로 작성된 메멘토
메멘토 패턴은 행동 디자인 패턴입니다. 이 패턴은 객체 상태의 스냅숏을 만든 후 나중에 복원할 수 있도록 합니다.
메멘토는 함께 작동하는 객체의 내부 구조와 스냅숏들 내부에 보관된 데이터를 손상하지 않습니다.
사용 사례들: PHP에서 메멘토 패턴을 실제로 적용할 일이 있을지 매우 의심스럽습니다. 대부분의 경우 단순히 직렬화를 사용하여 객체 상태의 복사본을 더 쉽게 만들 수 있습니다.
개념적인 예시
이 예시는 메멘토 패턴의 구조를 보여주고 다음 질문에 중점을 둡니다:
- 패턴은 어떤 클래스들로 구성되어 있나요?
- 이 클래스들은 어떤 역할을 하나요?
- 패턴의 요소들은 어떻게 서로 연관되어 있나요?
이 패턴의 구조를 배우면 실제 PHP 사용 사례를 기반으로 하는 다음 예시를 더욱 쉽게 이해할 수 있을 것입니다.
index.php: 개념적인 예시
namespace RefactoringGuru\Memento\Conceptual;
* The Originator holds some important state that may change over time. It also
* defines a method for saving the state inside a memento and another method for
* restoring the state from it.
class Originator
* @var string For the sake of simplicity, the originator's state is stored
* inside a single variable.
private $state;
public function __construct(string $state)
$this->state = $state;
echo "Originator: My initial state is: {$this->state}\n";
* The Originator's business logic may affect its internal state. Therefore,
* the client should backup the state before launching methods of the
* business logic via the save() method.
public function doSomething(): void
echo "Originator: I'm doing something important.\n";
$this->state = $this->generateRandomString(30);
echo "Originator: and my state has changed to: {$this->state}\n";
private function generateRandomString(int $length = 10): string
return substr(
$x = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
ceil($length / strlen($x))
* Saves the current state inside a memento.
public function save(): Memento
return new ConcreteMemento($this->state);
* Restores the Originator's state from a memento object.
public function restore(Memento $memento): void
$this->state = $memento->getState();
echo "Originator: My state has changed to: {$this->state}\n";
* The Memento interface provides a way to retrieve the memento's metadata, such
* as creation date or name. However, it doesn't expose the Originator's state.
interface Memento
public function getName(): string;
public function getDate(): string;
* The Concrete Memento contains the infrastructure for storing the Originator's
* state.
class ConcreteMemento implements Memento
private $state;
private $date;
public function __construct(string $state)
$this->state = $state;
$this->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
* The Originator uses this method when restoring its state.
public function getState(): string
return $this->state;
* The rest of the methods are used by the Caretaker to display metadata.
public function getName(): string
return $this->date . " / (" . substr($this->state, 0, 9) . "...)";
public function getDate(): string
return $this->date;
* The Caretaker doesn't depend on the Concrete Memento class. Therefore, it
* doesn't have access to the originator's state, stored inside the memento. It
* works with all mementos via the base Memento interface.
class Caretaker
* @var Memento[]
private $mementos = [];
* @var Originator
private $originator;
public function __construct(Originator $originator)
$this->originator = $originator;
public function backup(): void
echo "\nCaretaker: Saving Originator's state...\n";
$this->mementos[] = $this->originator->save();
public function undo(): void
if (!count($this->mementos)) {
$memento = array_pop($this->mementos);
echo "Caretaker: Restoring state to: " . $memento->getName() . "\n";
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
public function showHistory(): void
echo "Caretaker: Here's the list of mementos:\n";
foreach ($this->mementos as $memento) {
echo $memento->getName() . "\n";
* Client code.
$originator = new Originator("Super-duper-super-puper-super.");
$caretaker = new Caretaker($originator);
echo "\n";
echo "\nClient: Now, let's rollback!\n\n";
echo "\nClient: Once more!\n\n";
Output.txt: 실행 결과
Originator: My initial state is: Super-duper-super-puper-super.
Caretaker: Saving Originator's state...
Originator: I'm doing something important.
Originator: and my state has changed to: srGIngezAEboNPDjBkuvymJKUtMSFX
Caretaker: Saving Originator's state...
Originator: I'm doing something important.
Originator: and my state has changed to: UwCZQaHJOiERLlchyVuMbXNtpqTgWF
Caretaker: Saving Originator's state...
Originator: I'm doing something important.
Originator: and my state has changed to: incqsdoJXkbDUuVOvRFYyKBgfzwZCQ
Caretaker: Here's the list of mementos:
2018-06-04 14:50:39 / (Super-dup...)
2018-06-04 14:50:39 / (srGIngezA...)
2018-06-04 14:50:39 / (UwCZQaHJO...)
Client: Now, let's rollback!
Caretaker: Restoring state to: 2018-06-04 14:50:39 / (UwCZQaHJO...)
Originator: My state has changed to: UwCZQaHJOiERLlchyVuMbXNtpqTgWF
Client: Once more!
Caretaker: Restoring state to: 2018-06-04 14:50:39 / (srGIngezA...)
Originator: My state has changed to: srGIngezAEboNPDjBkuvymJKUtMSFX
실제 사례 예시
대부분의 PHP 스크립트들은 단일 스레드이며 세선 시간이 매우 제한되어 있으므로 객체들의 상태를 RAM보다 영구적인 저장소에 저장해야 하며 또 일반적으로 직렬화를 통해 스냅숏들을 만드는 것도 괜찮습니다. 따라서 이 패턴의 실제 PHP 앱에 대한 적절한 적용 사례를 생각하기 힘듭니다.
그러나 이전에 이 패턴을 당신의 프로젝트에서 사용한 적이 있다면 포럼이나 이메일(support@refactoring.guru)을 통해 당신의 경험을 공유해 주세요. 감사합니다!