Spring SALE

Proxy en Rust

Proxy es un patrón de diseño estructural que proporciona un objeto que actúa como sustituto de un objeto de servicio real utilizado por un cliente. Un proxy recibe solicitudes del cliente, realiza parte del trabajo (control de acceso, almacenamiento en caché, etc.) y después pasa la solicitud a un objeto de servicio.

El objeto proxy tiene la misma interfaz que un servicio, lo que lo hace intercambiable con un objeto real cuando se pasa a un cliente.

Conceptual Example: Nginx Proxy

A web server such as Nginx can act as a proxy for your application server:

  • It provides controlled access to your application server.
  • It can do rate limiting.
  • It can do request caching.


mod application;
mod nginx;

pub use nginx::NginxServer;

pub trait Server {
    fn handle_request(&mut self, url: &str, method: &str) -> (u16, String);


use super::Server;

pub struct Application;

impl Server for Application {
    fn handle_request(&mut self, url: &str, method: &str) -> (u16, String) {
        if url == "/app/status" && method == "GET" {
            return (200, "Ok".into());

        if url == "/create/user" && method == "POST" {
            return (201, "User Created".into());

        (404, "Not Ok".into())


use std::collections::HashMap;

use super::{application::Application, Server};

/// NGINX server is a proxy to an application server.
pub struct NginxServer {
    application: Application,
    max_allowed_requests: u32,
    rate_limiter: HashMap<String, u32>,

impl NginxServer {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            application: Application,
            max_allowed_requests: 2,
            rate_limiter: HashMap::default(),

    pub fn check_rate_limiting(&mut self, url: &str) -> bool {
        let rate = self.rate_limiter.entry(url.to_string()).or_insert(1);

        if *rate > self.max_allowed_requests {
            return false;

        *rate += 1;

impl Server for NginxServer {
    fn handle_request(&mut self, url: &str, method: &str) -> (u16, String) {
        if !self.check_rate_limiting(url) {
            return (403, "Not Allowed".into());

        self.application.handle_request(url, method)


mod server;

use crate::server::{NginxServer, Server};

fn main() {
    let app_status = &"/app/status".to_string();
    let create_user = &"/create/user".to_string();

    let mut nginx = NginxServer::new();

    let (code, body) = nginx.handle_request(app_status, "GET");
    println!("Url: {}\nHttpCode: {}\nBody: {}\n", app_status, code, body);

    let (code, body) = nginx.handle_request(app_status, "GET");
    println!("Url: {}\nHttpCode: {}\nBody: {}\n", app_status, code, body);

    let (code, body) = nginx.handle_request(app_status, "GET");
    println!("Url: {}\nHttpCode: {}\nBody: {}\n", app_status, code, body);

    let (code, body) = nginx.handle_request(create_user, "POST");
    println!("Url: {}\nHttpCode: {}\nBody: {}\n", create_user, code, body);

    let (code, body) = nginx.handle_request(create_user, "GET");
    println!("Url: {}\nHttpCode: {}\nBody: {}\n", create_user, code, body);


Url: /app/status
HttpCode: 200
Body: Ok

Url: /app/status
HttpCode: 200
Body: Ok

Url: /app/status
HttpCode: 403
Body: Not Allowed

Url: /create/user
HttpCode: 201
Body: User Created

Url: /create/user
HttpCode: 404
Body: Not Ok

Proxy en otros lenguajes

Proxy en C# Proxy en C++ Proxy en Go Proxy en Java Proxy en PHP Proxy en Python Proxy en Ruby Proxy en Swift Proxy en TypeScript