Visiteur en C#
Le Visiteur est un patron de conception comportemental qui permet d’ajouter de nouveaux comportements à une hiérarchie de classes sans modifier l’existant.
Découvrez pourquoi les visiteurs ne peuvent pas être remplacés par la surcharge de méthodes dans notre article Visiteur et double répartition.
Complexité :
Popularité :
Exemples d’utilisation : Le visiteur n’est pas un patron très répandu en C# à cause de sa complexité et de la rareté de ses cas d’utilisation.
Exemple conceptuel
Dans cet exemple, nous allons voir la structure du Visiteur. Nous allons répondre aux questions suivantes :
- Que contiennent les classes ?
- Quels rôles jouent-elles ?
- Comment les éléments du patron sont-ils reliés ?
Program.cs: Exemple conceptuel
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace RefactoringGuru.DesignPatterns.Visitor.Conceptual
// The Component interface declares an `accept` method that should take the
// base visitor interface as an argument.
public interface IComponent
void Accept(IVisitor visitor);
// Each Concrete Component must implement the `Accept` method in such a way
// that it calls the visitor's method corresponding to the component's
// class.
public class ConcreteComponentA : IComponent
// Note that we're calling `VisitConcreteComponentA`, which matches the
// current class name. This way we let the visitor know the class of the
// component it works with.
public void Accept(IVisitor visitor)
// Concrete Components may have special methods that don't exist in
// their base class or interface. The Visitor is still able to use these
// methods since it's aware of the component's concrete class.
public string ExclusiveMethodOfConcreteComponentA()
return "A";
public class ConcreteComponentB : IComponent
// Same here: VisitConcreteComponentB => ConcreteComponentB
public void Accept(IVisitor visitor)
public string SpecialMethodOfConcreteComponentB()
return "B";
// The Visitor Interface declares a set of visiting methods that correspond
// to component classes. The signature of a visiting method allows the
// visitor to identify the exact class of the component that it's dealing
// with.
public interface IVisitor
void VisitConcreteComponentA(ConcreteComponentA element);
void VisitConcreteComponentB(ConcreteComponentB element);
// Concrete Visitors implement several versions of the same algorithm, which
// can work with all concrete component classes.
// You can experience the biggest benefit of the Visitor pattern when using
// it with a complex object structure, such as a Composite tree. In this
// case, it might be helpful to store some intermediate state of the
// algorithm while executing visitor's methods over various objects of the
// structure.
class ConcreteVisitor1 : IVisitor
public void VisitConcreteComponentA(ConcreteComponentA element)
Console.WriteLine(element.ExclusiveMethodOfConcreteComponentA() + " + ConcreteVisitor1");
public void VisitConcreteComponentB(ConcreteComponentB element)
Console.WriteLine(element.SpecialMethodOfConcreteComponentB() + " + ConcreteVisitor1");
class ConcreteVisitor2 : IVisitor
public void VisitConcreteComponentA(ConcreteComponentA element)
Console.WriteLine(element.ExclusiveMethodOfConcreteComponentA() + " + ConcreteVisitor2");
public void VisitConcreteComponentB(ConcreteComponentB element)
Console.WriteLine(element.SpecialMethodOfConcreteComponentB() + " + ConcreteVisitor2");
public class Client
// The client code can run visitor operations over any set of elements
// without figuring out their concrete classes. The accept operation
// directs a call to the appropriate operation in the visitor object.
public static void ClientCode(List<IComponent> components, IVisitor visitor)
foreach (var component in components)
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<IComponent> components = new List<IComponent>
new ConcreteComponentA(),
new ConcreteComponentB()
Console.WriteLine("The client code works with all visitors via the base Visitor interface:");
var visitor1 = new ConcreteVisitor1();
Console.WriteLine("It allows the same client code to work with different types of visitors:");
var visitor2 = new ConcreteVisitor2();
Client.ClientCode(components, visitor2);
Output.txt: Résultat de l’exécution
The client code works with all visitors via the base Visitor interface:
A + ConcreteVisitor1
B + ConcreteVisitor1
It allows the same client code to work with different types of visitors:
A + ConcreteVisitor2
B + ConcreteVisitor2