자바로 작성된 프록시
프록시는 클라이언트가 사용하는 실제 서비스 객체를 대신하는 객체를 제공하는 구조 디자인 패턴입니다. 프록시는 클라이언트 요청을 수신하고, 일부 작업(접근 제어, 캐싱 등)을 수행한 다음 요청을 서비스 객체에 전달합니다.
프록시 객체는 서비스 객체와 같은 인터페이스를 가지기 때문에 클라이언트에 전달되면 실제 객체와 상호교환이 가능합니다.
사용 사례들: 프록시 패턴은 대부분의 자바 앱에서 일반적으로 발견되지 않습니다. 그러나 일부 특별한 경우에는 여전히 매우 유용할 수 있습니다. 클라이언트 코드를 변경하지 않고 기존 클래스의 객체에 몇 가지 추가 행동들을 추가해야 할 때 매우 유용합니다.
다음은 표준 자바 라이브러리로부터 가져온 몇 가지 예시들입니다:
(주석을 참고하세요) -
(주석을 참고하세요) -
식별: 프록시들은 모든 실제 작업을 다른 객체에 위임합니다. 각 프록시 메서드는 프록시가 서비스 객체의 자식 클래스가 아닌 이상 최종적으로 서비스 객체를 참조해야 합니다.
프록시 캐싱
이 예시에서 프록시 패턴은 비효율적인 타사 유튜브 통합 라이브러리에 대한 게으른 초기화 및 캐싱을 구현하는 것을 돕습니다.
프록시는 당신이 코드를 변경할 수 없는 클래스에 몇 가지 추가 행동들을 추가해야 할 때 매우 중요합니다.
some_cool_media_library/ThirdPartyYouTubeLib.java: 원격 서비스 인터페이스
package refactoring_guru.proxy.example.some_cool_media_library;
import java.util.HashMap;
public interface ThirdPartyYouTubeLib {
HashMap<String, Video> popularVideos();
Video getVideo(String videoId);
some_cool_media_library/ThirdPartyYouTubeClass.java: 원격 서비스 구현
package refactoring_guru.proxy.example.some_cool_media_library;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class ThirdPartyYouTubeClass implements ThirdPartyYouTubeLib {
public HashMap<String, Video> popularVideos() {
return getRandomVideos();
public Video getVideo(String videoId) {
connectToServer("http://www.youtube.com/" + videoId);
return getSomeVideo(videoId);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fake methods to simulate network activity. They as slow as a real life.
private int random(int min, int max) {
return min + (int) (Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1));
private void experienceNetworkLatency() {
int randomLatency = random(5, 10);
for (int i = 0; i < randomLatency; i++) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
private void connectToServer(String server) {
System.out.print("Connecting to " + server + "... ");
System.out.print("Connected!" + "\n");
private HashMap<String, Video> getRandomVideos() {
System.out.print("Downloading populars... ");
HashMap<String, Video> hmap = new HashMap<String, Video>();
hmap.put("catzzzzzzzzz", new Video("sadgahasgdas", "Catzzzz.avi"));
hmap.put("mkafksangasj", new Video("mkafksangasj", "Dog play with ball.mp4"));
hmap.put("dancesvideoo", new Video("asdfas3ffasd", "Dancing video.mpq"));
hmap.put("dlsdk5jfslaf", new Video("dlsdk5jfslaf", "Barcelona vs RealM.mov"));
hmap.put("3sdfgsd1j333", new Video("3sdfgsd1j333", "Programing lesson#1.avi"));
System.out.print("Done!" + "\n");
return hmap;
private Video getSomeVideo(String videoId) {
System.out.print("Downloading video... ");
Video video = new Video(videoId, "Some video title");
System.out.print("Done!" + "\n");
return video;
some_cool_media_library/Video.java: 비디오 파일
package refactoring_guru.proxy.example.some_cool_media_library;
public class Video {
public String id;
public String title;
public String data;
Video(String id, String title) {
this.id = id;
this.title = title;
this.data = "Random video.";
proxy/YouTubeCacheProxy.java: 캐싱 프록시
package refactoring_guru.proxy.example.proxy;
import refactoring_guru.proxy.example.some_cool_media_library.ThirdPartyYouTubeClass;
import refactoring_guru.proxy.example.some_cool_media_library.ThirdPartyYouTubeLib;
import refactoring_guru.proxy.example.some_cool_media_library.Video;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class YouTubeCacheProxy implements ThirdPartyYouTubeLib {
private ThirdPartyYouTubeLib youtubeService;
private HashMap<String, Video> cachePopular = new HashMap<String, Video>();
private HashMap<String, Video> cacheAll = new HashMap<String, Video>();
public YouTubeCacheProxy() {
this.youtubeService = new ThirdPartyYouTubeClass();
public HashMap<String, Video> popularVideos() {
if (cachePopular.isEmpty()) {
cachePopular = youtubeService.popularVideos();
} else {
System.out.println("Retrieved list from cache.");
return cachePopular;
public Video getVideo(String videoId) {
Video video = cacheAll.get(videoId);
if (video == null) {
video = youtubeService.getVideo(videoId);
cacheAll.put(videoId, video);
} else {
System.out.println("Retrieved video '" + videoId + "' from cache.");
return video;
public void reset() {
downloader/YouTubeDownloader.java: 미디어 다운로더 앱
package refactoring_guru.proxy.example.downloader;
import refactoring_guru.proxy.example.some_cool_media_library.ThirdPartyYouTubeLib;
import refactoring_guru.proxy.example.some_cool_media_library.Video;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class YouTubeDownloader {
private ThirdPartyYouTubeLib api;
public YouTubeDownloader(ThirdPartyYouTubeLib api) {
this.api = api;
public void renderVideoPage(String videoId) {
Video video = api.getVideo(videoId);
System.out.println("Video page (imagine fancy HTML)");
System.out.println("ID: " + video.id);
System.out.println("Title: " + video.title);
System.out.println("Video: " + video.data);
public void renderPopularVideos() {
HashMap<String, Video> list = api.popularVideos();
System.out.println("Most popular videos on YouTube (imagine fancy HTML)");
for (Video video : list.values()) {
System.out.println("ID: " + video.id + " / Title: " + video.title);
Demo.java: 초기화 코드
package refactoring_guru.proxy.example;
import refactoring_guru.proxy.example.downloader.YouTubeDownloader;
import refactoring_guru.proxy.example.proxy.YouTubeCacheProxy;
import refactoring_guru.proxy.example.some_cool_media_library.ThirdPartyYouTubeClass;
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
YouTubeDownloader naiveDownloader = new YouTubeDownloader(new ThirdPartyYouTubeClass());
YouTubeDownloader smartDownloader = new YouTubeDownloader(new YouTubeCacheProxy());
long naive = test(naiveDownloader);
long smart = test(smartDownloader);
System.out.print("Time saved by caching proxy: " + (naive - smart) + "ms");
private static long test(YouTubeDownloader downloader) {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// User behavior in our app:
// Users might visit the same page quite often.
long estimatedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
System.out.print("Time elapsed: " + estimatedTime + "ms\n");
return estimatedTime;
OutputDemo.txt: 실행 결과
Connecting to http://www.youtube.com... Connected!
Downloading populars... Done!
Most popular videos on YouTube (imagine fancy HTML)
ID: sadgahasgdas / Title: Catzzzz.avi
ID: asdfas3ffasd / Title: Dancing video.mpq
ID: 3sdfgsd1j333 / Title: Programing lesson#1.avi
ID: mkafksangasj / Title: Dog play with ball.mp4
ID: dlsdk5jfslaf / Title: Barcelona vs RealM.mov
Connecting to http://www.youtube.com/catzzzzzzzzz... Connected!
Downloading video... Done!
Video page (imagine fancy HTML)
ID: catzzzzzzzzz
Title: Some video title
Video: Random video.
Connecting to http://www.youtube.com... Connected!
Downloading populars... Done!
Most popular videos on YouTube (imagine fancy HTML)
ID: sadgahasgdas / Title: Catzzzz.avi
ID: asdfas3ffasd / Title: Dancing video.mpq
ID: 3sdfgsd1j333 / Title: Programing lesson#1.avi
ID: mkafksangasj / Title: Dog play with ball.mp4
ID: dlsdk5jfslaf / Title: Barcelona vs RealM.mov
Connecting to http://www.youtube.com/dancesvideoo... Connected!
Downloading video... Done!
Video page (imagine fancy HTML)
ID: dancesvideoo
Title: Some video title
Video: Random video.
Connecting to http://www.youtube.com/catzzzzzzzzz... Connected!
Downloading video... Done!
Video page (imagine fancy HTML)
ID: catzzzzzzzzz
Title: Some video title
Video: Random video.
Connecting to http://www.youtube.com/someothervid... Connected!
Downloading video... Done!
Video page (imagine fancy HTML)
ID: someothervid
Title: Some video title
Video: Random video.
Time elapsed: 9354ms
Connecting to http://www.youtube.com... Connected!
Downloading populars... Done!
Most popular videos on YouTube (imagine fancy HTML)
ID: sadgahasgdas / Title: Catzzzz.avi
ID: asdfas3ffasd / Title: Dancing video.mpq
ID: 3sdfgsd1j333 / Title: Programing lesson#1.avi
ID: mkafksangasj / Title: Dog play with ball.mp4
ID: dlsdk5jfslaf / Title: Barcelona vs RealM.mov
Connecting to http://www.youtube.com/catzzzzzzzzz... Connected!
Downloading video... Done!
Video page (imagine fancy HTML)
ID: catzzzzzzzzz
Title: Some video title
Video: Random video.
Retrieved list from cache.
Most popular videos on YouTube (imagine fancy HTML)
ID: sadgahasgdas / Title: Catzzzz.avi
ID: asdfas3ffasd / Title: Dancing video.mpq
ID: 3sdfgsd1j333 / Title: Programing lesson#1.avi
ID: mkafksangasj / Title: Dog play with ball.mp4
ID: dlsdk5jfslaf / Title: Barcelona vs RealM.mov
Connecting to http://www.youtube.com/dancesvideoo... Connected!
Downloading video... Done!
Video page (imagine fancy HTML)
ID: dancesvideoo
Title: Some video title
Video: Random video.
Retrieved video 'catzzzzzzzzz' from cache.
Video page (imagine fancy HTML)
ID: catzzzzzzzzz
Title: Some video title
Video: Random video.
Connecting to http://www.youtube.com/someothervid... Connected!
Downloading video... Done!
Video page (imagine fancy HTML)
ID: someothervid
Title: Some video title
Video: Random video.
Time elapsed: 5875ms
Time saved by caching proxy: 3479ms