Flyweight em Python
O O Flyweight é um padrão de projeto estrutural que permite que os programas suportem grandes quantidades de objetos, mantendo baixo o consumo de memória.
O padrão consegue isso compartilhando partes do estado do objeto entre vários objetos. Em outras palavras, o Flyweight economiza RAM armazenando em cache os mesmos dados usados por objetos diferentes.
Exemplos de uso: O padrão Flyweight tem uma única finalidade: minimizar a entrada de memória. Se o seu programa não apresentar problemas de falta de RAM, você poderá ignorar esse padrão por um tempo.
Identificação: O Flyweight pode ser reconhecido por um método de criação que retorna objetos em cache em vez de criar novos.
Exemplo conceitual
Este exemplo ilustra a estrutura do padrão de projeto Flyweight. Ele se concentra em responder a estas perguntas:
- De quais classes ele consiste?
- Quais papéis essas classes desempenham?
- De que maneira os elementos do padrão estão relacionados?
main.py: Exemplo conceitual
import json
from typing import Dict
class Flyweight():
The Flyweight stores a common portion of the state (also called intrinsic
state) that belongs to multiple real business entities. The Flyweight
accepts the rest of the state (extrinsic state, unique for each entity) via
its method parameters.
def __init__(self, shared_state: str) -> None:
self._shared_state = shared_state
def operation(self, unique_state: str) -> None:
s = json.dumps(self._shared_state)
u = json.dumps(unique_state)
print(f"Flyweight: Displaying shared ({s}) and unique ({u}) state.", end="")
class FlyweightFactory():
The Flyweight Factory creates and manages the Flyweight objects. It ensures
that flyweights are shared correctly. When the client requests a flyweight,
the factory either returns an existing instance or creates a new one, if it
doesn't exist yet.
_flyweights: Dict[str, Flyweight] = {}
def __init__(self, initial_flyweights: Dict) -> None:
for state in initial_flyweights:
self._flyweights[self.get_key(state)] = Flyweight(state)
def get_key(self, state: Dict) -> str:
Returns a Flyweight's string hash for a given state.
return "_".join(sorted(state))
def get_flyweight(self, shared_state: Dict) -> Flyweight:
Returns an existing Flyweight with a given state or creates a new one.
key = self.get_key(shared_state)
if not self._flyweights.get(key):
print("FlyweightFactory: Can't find a flyweight, creating new one.")
self._flyweights[key] = Flyweight(shared_state)
print("FlyweightFactory: Reusing existing flyweight.")
return self._flyweights[key]
def list_flyweights(self) -> None:
count = len(self._flyweights)
print(f"FlyweightFactory: I have {count} flyweights:")
print("\n".join(map(str, self._flyweights.keys())), end="")
def add_car_to_police_database(
factory: FlyweightFactory, plates: str, owner: str,
brand: str, model: str, color: str
) -> None:
print("\n\nClient: Adding a car to database.")
flyweight = factory.get_flyweight([brand, model, color])
# The client code either stores or calculates extrinsic state and passes it
# to the flyweight's methods.
flyweight.operation([plates, owner])
if __name__ == "__main__":
The client code usually creates a bunch of pre-populated flyweights in the
initialization stage of the application.
factory = FlyweightFactory([
["Chevrolet", "Camaro2018", "pink"],
["Mercedes Benz", "C300", "black"],
["Mercedes Benz", "C500", "red"],
["BMW", "M5", "red"],
["BMW", "X6", "white"],
factory, "CL234IR", "James Doe", "BMW", "M5", "red")
factory, "CL234IR", "James Doe", "BMW", "X1", "red")
Output.txt: Resultados da execução
FlyweightFactory: I have 5 flyweights:
C300_Mercedes Benz_black
C500_Mercedes Benz_red
Client: Adding a car to database.
FlyweightFactory: Reusing existing flyweight.
Flyweight: Displaying shared (["BMW", "M5", "red"]) and unique (["CL234IR", "James Doe"]) state.
Client: Adding a car to database.
FlyweightFactory: Can't find a flyweight, creating new one.
Flyweight: Displaying shared (["BMW", "X1", "red"]) and unique (["CL234IR", "James Doe"]) state.
FlyweightFactory: I have 6 flyweights:
C300_Mercedes Benz_black
C500_Mercedes Benz_red