Spring SALE

Flyweight em TypeScript

O O Flyweight é um padrão de projeto estrutural que permite que os programas suportem grandes quantidades de objetos, mantendo baixo o consumo de memória.

O padrão consegue isso compartilhando partes do estado do objeto entre vários objetos. Em outras palavras, o Flyweight economiza RAM armazenando em cache os mesmos dados usados por objetos diferentes.



Exemplos de uso: O padrão Flyweight tem uma única finalidade: minimizar a entrada de memória. Se o seu programa não apresentar problemas de falta de RAM, você poderá ignorar esse padrão por um tempo.

Identificação: O Flyweight pode ser reconhecido por um método de criação que retorna objetos em cache em vez de criar novos.

Exemplo conceitual

Este exemplo ilustra a estrutura do padrão de projeto Flyweight. Ele se concentra em responder a estas perguntas:

  • De quais classes ele consiste?
  • Quais papéis essas classes desempenham?
  • De que maneira os elementos do padrão estão relacionados?

index.ts: Exemplo conceitual

 * The Flyweight stores a common portion of the state (also called intrinsic
 * state) that belongs to multiple real business entities. The Flyweight accepts
 * the rest of the state (extrinsic state, unique for each entity) via its
 * method parameters.
class Flyweight {
    private sharedState: any;

    constructor(sharedState: any) {
        this.sharedState = sharedState;

    public operation(uniqueState): void {
        const s = JSON.stringify(this.sharedState);
        const u = JSON.stringify(uniqueState);
        console.log(`Flyweight: Displaying shared (${s}) and unique (${u}) state.`);

 * The Flyweight Factory creates and manages the Flyweight objects. It ensures
 * that flyweights are shared correctly. When the client requests a flyweight,
 * the factory either returns an existing instance or creates a new one, if it
 * doesn't exist yet.
class FlyweightFactory {
    private flyweights: {[key: string]: Flyweight} = <any>{};

    constructor(initialFlyweights: string[][]) {
        for (const state of initialFlyweights) {
            this.flyweights[this.getKey(state)] = new Flyweight(state);

     * Returns a Flyweight's string hash for a given state.
    private getKey(state: string[]): string {
        return state.join('_');

     * Returns an existing Flyweight with a given state or creates a new one.
    public getFlyweight(sharedState: string[]): Flyweight {
        const key = this.getKey(sharedState);

        if (!(key in this.flyweights)) {
            console.log('FlyweightFactory: Can\'t find a flyweight, creating new one.');
            this.flyweights[key] = new Flyweight(sharedState);
        } else {
            console.log('FlyweightFactory: Reusing existing flyweight.');

        return this.flyweights[key];

    public listFlyweights(): void {
        const count = Object.keys(this.flyweights).length;
        console.log(`\nFlyweightFactory: I have ${count} flyweights:`);
        for (const key in this.flyweights) {

 * The client code usually creates a bunch of pre-populated flyweights in the
 * initialization stage of the application.
const factory = new FlyweightFactory([
    ['Chevrolet', 'Camaro2018', 'pink'],
    ['Mercedes Benz', 'C300', 'black'],
    ['Mercedes Benz', 'C500', 'red'],
    ['BMW', 'M5', 'red'],
    ['BMW', 'X6', 'white'],
    // ...

// ...

function addCarToPoliceDatabase(
    ff: FlyweightFactory, plates: string, owner: string,
    brand: string, model: string, color: string,
) {
    console.log('\nClient: Adding a car to database.');
    const flyweight = ff.getFlyweight([brand, model, color]);

    // The client code either stores or calculates extrinsic state and passes it
    // to the flyweight's methods.
    flyweight.operation([plates, owner]);

addCarToPoliceDatabase(factory, 'CL234IR', 'James Doe', 'BMW', 'M5', 'red');

addCarToPoliceDatabase(factory, 'CL234IR', 'James Doe', 'BMW', 'X1', 'red');


Output.txt: Resultados da execução

FlyweightFactory: I have 5 flyweights:
Mercedes Benz_C300_black
Mercedes Benz_C500_red

Client: Adding a car to database.
FlyweightFactory: Reusing existing flyweight.
Flyweight: Displaying shared (["BMW","M5","red"]) and unique (["CL234IR","James Doe"]) state.

Client: Adding a car to database.
FlyweightFactory: Can't find a flyweight, creating new one.
Flyweight: Displaying shared (["BMW","X1","red"]) and unique (["CL234IR","James Doe"]) state.

FlyweightFactory: I have 6 flyweights:
Mercedes Benz_C300_black
Mercedes Benz_C500_red

Flyweight em outras linguagens

Flyweight em C# Flyweight em C++ Flyweight em Go Flyweight em Java Flyweight em PHP Flyweight em Python Flyweight em Ruby Flyweight em Rust Flyweight em Swift