Mediator en PHP
Mediator es un patrón de diseño de comportamiento que reduce el acoplamiento entre los componentes de un programa haciendo que se comuniquen indirectamente a través de un objeto mediador especial.
El patrón Mediator facilita la modificación, extensión y reutilización de componentes individuales porque ya no son dependientes de todas las demás clases.
Ejemplos de uso: La implementación pura del patrón Mediator no es tan común en PHP como en otros lenguajes, sobre todo aquellos enfocados en la GUI, como Java o C#. Una aplicación PHP puede contener decenas de componentes, pero raramente se comunican directamente en una única sesión.
Sin embargo, sigue habiendo usos para el patrón Mediator, como los despachadores de eventos de muchos frameworks PHP, o algunas implementaciones de controladores MVC.
Ejemplo conceptual
Este ejemplo ilustra la estructura del patrón de diseño Mediator y se centra en las siguientes preguntas:
- ¿De qué clases se compone?
- ¿Qué papeles juegan esas clases?
- ¿De qué forma se relacionan los elementos del patrón?
Después de conocer la estructura del patrón, será más fácil comprender el siguiente ejemplo basado en un caso de uso real de PHP.
index.php: Ejemplo conceptual
namespace RefactoringGuru\Mediator\Conceptual;
* The Mediator interface declares a method used by components to notify the
* mediator about various events. The Mediator may react to these events and
* pass the execution to other components.
interface Mediator
public function notify(object $sender, string $event): void;
* Concrete Mediators implement cooperative behavior by coordinating several
* components.
class ConcreteMediator implements Mediator
private $component1;
private $component2;
public function __construct(Component1 $c1, Component2 $c2)
$this->component1 = $c1;
$this->component2 = $c2;
public function notify(object $sender, string $event): void
if ($event == "A") {
echo "Mediator reacts on A and triggers following operations:\n";
if ($event == "D") {
echo "Mediator reacts on D and triggers following operations:\n";
* The Base Component provides the basic functionality of storing a mediator's
* instance inside component objects.
class BaseComponent
protected $mediator;
public function __construct(Mediator $mediator = null)
$this->mediator = $mediator;
public function setMediator(Mediator $mediator): void
$this->mediator = $mediator;
* Concrete Components implement various functionality. They don't depend on
* other components. They also don't depend on any concrete mediator classes.
class Component1 extends BaseComponent
public function doA(): void
echo "Component 1 does A.\n";
$this->mediator->notify($this, "A");
public function doB(): void
echo "Component 1 does B.\n";
$this->mediator->notify($this, "B");
class Component2 extends BaseComponent
public function doC(): void
echo "Component 2 does C.\n";
$this->mediator->notify($this, "C");
public function doD(): void
echo "Component 2 does D.\n";
$this->mediator->notify($this, "D");
* The client code.
$c1 = new Component1();
$c2 = new Component2();
$mediator = new ConcreteMediator($c1, $c2);
echo "Client triggers operation A.\n";
echo "\n";
echo "Client triggers operation D.\n";
Output.txt: Resultado de la ejecución
Client triggers operation A.
Component 1 does A.
Mediator reacts on A and triggers following operations:
Component 2 does C.
Client triggers operation D.
Component 2 does D.
Mediator reacts on D and triggers following operations:
Component 1 does B.
Component 2 does C.
Ejemplo del mundo real
En este ejemplo, el patrón Mediator amplía la idea del patrón Observer proporcionando un despachador de eventos centralizado. Permite a cualquier objeto rastrear y disparar eventos en otros objetos sin depender de sus clases.
index.php: Ejemplo del mundo real
namespace RefactoringGuru\Mediator\RealWorld;
* The Event Dispatcher class acts as a Mediator and contains the subscription
* and notification logic. While a classic Mediator often depends on concrete
* component classes, this one is only tied to their abstract interfaces.
* We are able to achieve this level of indirection thanks to the way the
* connections between components are established. The components themselves may
* subscribe to specific events that they are interested in via the Mediator's
* subscription interface.
* Note, we can't use the PHP's built-in Subject/Observer interfaces here
* because we'll be stretching them too far from what they were designed for.
class EventDispatcher
* @var array
private $observers = [];
public function __construct()
// The special event group for observers that want to listen to all
// events.
$this->observers["*"] = [];
private function initEventGroup(string &$event = "*"): void
if (!isset($this->observers[$event])) {
$this->observers[$event] = [];
private function getEventObservers(string $event = "*"): array
$group = $this->observers[$event];
$all = $this->observers["*"];
return array_merge($group, $all);
public function attach(Observer $observer, string $event = "*"): void
$this->observers[$event][] = $observer;
public function detach(Observer $observer, string $event = "*"): void
foreach ($this->getEventObservers($event) as $key => $s) {
if ($s === $observer) {
public function trigger(string $event, object $emitter, $data = null): void
echo "EventDispatcher: Broadcasting the '$event' event.\n";
foreach ($this->getEventObservers($event) as $observer) {
$observer->update($event, $emitter, $data);
* A simple helper function to provide global access to the event dispatcher.
function events(): EventDispatcher
static $eventDispatcher;
if (!$eventDispatcher) {
$eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
return $eventDispatcher;
* The Observer interface defines how components receive the event
* notifications.
interface Observer
public function update(string $event, object $emitter, $data = null);
* Unlike our Observer pattern example, this example makes the UserRepository
* act as a regular component that doesn't have any special event-related
* methods. Like any other component, this class relies on the EventDispatcher
* to broadcast its events and listen for the other ones.
* @see \RefactoringGuru\Observer\RealWorld\UserRepository
class UserRepository implements Observer
* @var array List of application's users.
private $users = [];
* Components can subscribe to events by themselves or by client code.
public function __construct()
events()->attach($this, "users:deleted");
* Components can decide whether they'd like to process an event using its
* name, emitter or any contextual data passed along with the event.
public function update(string $event, object $emitter, $data = null): void
switch ($event) {
case "users:deleted":
if ($emitter === $this) {
$this->deleteUser($data, true);
// These methods represent the business logic of the class.
public function initialize(string $filename): void
echo "UserRepository: Loading user records from a file.\n";
// ...
events()->trigger("users:init", $this, $filename);
public function createUser(array $data, bool $silent = false): User
echo "UserRepository: Creating a user.\n";
$user = new User();
$id = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16));
$user->update(["id" => $id]);
$this->users[$id] = $user;
if (!$silent) {
events()->trigger("users:created", $this, $user);
return $user;
public function updateUser(User $user, array $data, bool $silent = false): ?User
echo "UserRepository: Updating a user.\n";
$id = $user->attributes["id"];
if (!isset($this->users[$id])) {
return null;
$user = $this->users[$id];
if (!$silent) {
events()->trigger("users:updated", $this, $user);
return $user;
public function deleteUser(User $user, bool $silent = false): void
echo "UserRepository: Deleting a user.\n";
$id = $user->attributes["id"];
if (!isset($this->users[$id])) {
if (!$silent) {
events()->trigger("users:deleted", $this, $user);
* Let's keep the User class trivial since it's not the focus of our example.
class User
public $attributes = [];
public function update($data): void
$this->attributes = array_merge($this->attributes, $data);
* All objects can trigger events.
public function delete(): void
echo "User: I can now delete myself without worrying about the repository.\n";
events()->trigger("users:deleted", $this, $this);
* This Concrete Component logs any events it's subscribed to.
class Logger implements Observer
private $filename;
public function __construct($filename)
$this->filename = $filename;
if (file_exists($this->filename)) {
public function update(string $event, object $emitter, $data = null)
$entry = date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . ": '$event' with data '" . json_encode($data) . "'\n";
file_put_contents($this->filename, $entry, FILE_APPEND);
echo "Logger: I've written '$event' entry to the log.\n";
* This Concrete Component sends initial instructions to new users. The client
* is responsible for attaching this component to a proper user creation event.
class OnboardingNotification implements Observer
private $adminEmail;
public function __construct(string $adminEmail)
$this->adminEmail = $adminEmail;
public function update(string $event, object $emitter, $data = null): void
// mail($this->adminEmail,
// "Onboarding required",
// "We have a new user. Here's his info: " .json_encode($data));
echo "OnboardingNotification: The notification has been emailed!\n";
* The client code.
$repository = new UserRepository();
events()->attach($repository, "facebook:update");
$logger = new Logger(__DIR__ . "/log.txt");
events()->attach($logger, "*");
$onboarding = new OnboardingNotification("1@example.com");
events()->attach($onboarding, "users:created");
// ...
$repository->initialize(__DIR__ . "users.csv");
// ...
$user = $repository->createUser([
"name" => "John Smith",
"email" => "john99@example.com",
// ...
Output.txt: Resultado de la ejecución
UserRepository: Loading user records from a file.
EventDispatcher: Broadcasting the 'users:init' event.
Logger: I've written 'users:init' entry to the log.
UserRepository: Creating a user.
EventDispatcher: Broadcasting the 'users:created' event.
OnboardingNotification: The notification has been emailed!
Logger: I've written 'users:created' entry to the log.
User: I can now delete myself without worrying about the repository.
EventDispatcher: Broadcasting the 'users:deleted' event.
UserRepository: Deleting a user.
Logger: I've written 'users:deleted' entry to the log.