타입스크립트로 작성된 커맨드
커맨드는 요청 또는 간단한 작업을 객체로 변환하는 행동 디자인 패턴입니다.
이러한 변환은 명령의 지연 또는 원격 실행, 명령 기록 저장 등을 허용합니다.
사용 예시들: 커맨드 패턴은 타입스크립트 코드에서 매우 일반적입니다. 대부분의 경우 작업으로 UI 요소를 매개 변수화하기 위한 콜백의 대안으로 사용되며 작업 대기, 작업 기록 추적 등에도 사용됩니다.
식별: 커맨드 패턴은 다음과 같은 특징이 있습니다. 추상/인터페이스 유형(발신자)의 행동 메서드들이 있으며 이러한 메서드들은 다른 추상/인터페이스 유형(수신자)의 구현에서 메서드를 호출하며 이 메서드는 생성되는 동안 커맨드 구현으로 캡슐화되었습니다. 또 커맨드 클래스는 일반적으로 특정 작업만 수행할 수 있습니다.
개념적인 예시
이 예시는 커맨드 디자인 패턴의 구조를 보여주고 다음 질문에 중점을 둡니다:
- 패턴은 어떤 클래스들로 구성되어 있나요?
- 이 클래스들은 어떤 역할을 하나요?
- 패턴의 요소들은 어떻게 서로 연관되어 있나요?
index.ts: 개념적인 예시
* The Command interface declares a method for executing a command.
interface Command {
execute(): void;
* Some commands can implement simple operations on their own.
class SimpleCommand implements Command {
private payload: string;
constructor(payload: string) {
this.payload = payload;
public execute(): void {
console.log(`SimpleCommand: See, I can do simple things like printing (${this.payload})`);
* However, some commands can delegate more complex operations to other objects,
* called "receivers."
class ComplexCommand implements Command {
private receiver: Receiver;
* Context data, required for launching the receiver's methods.
private a: string;
private b: string;
* Complex commands can accept one or several receiver objects along with
* any context data via the constructor.
constructor(receiver: Receiver, a: string, b: string) {
this.receiver = receiver;
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
* Commands can delegate to any methods of a receiver.
public execute(): void {
console.log('ComplexCommand: Complex stuff should be done by a receiver object.');
* The Receiver classes contain some important business logic. They know how to
* perform all kinds of operations, associated with carrying out a request. In
* fact, any class may serve as a Receiver.
class Receiver {
public doSomething(a: string): void {
console.log(`Receiver: Working on (${a}.)`);
public doSomethingElse(b: string): void {
console.log(`Receiver: Also working on (${b}.)`);
* The Invoker is associated with one or several commands. It sends a request to
* the command.
class Invoker {
private onStart: Command;
private onFinish: Command;
* Initialize commands.
public setOnStart(command: Command): void {
this.onStart = command;
public setOnFinish(command: Command): void {
this.onFinish = command;
* The Invoker does not depend on concrete command or receiver classes. The
* Invoker passes a request to a receiver indirectly, by executing a
* command.
public doSomethingImportant(): void {
console.log('Invoker: Does anybody want something done before I begin?');
if (this.isCommand(this.onStart)) {
console.log('Invoker: ...doing something really important...');
console.log('Invoker: Does anybody want something done after I finish?');
if (this.isCommand(this.onFinish)) {
private isCommand(object): object is Command {
return object.execute !== undefined;
* The client code can parameterize an invoker with any commands.
const invoker = new Invoker();
invoker.setOnStart(new SimpleCommand('Say Hi!'));
const receiver = new Receiver();
invoker.setOnFinish(new ComplexCommand(receiver, 'Send email', 'Save report'));
Output.txt: 실행 결과
Invoker: Does anybody want something done before I begin?
SimpleCommand: See, I can do simple things like printing (Say Hi!)
Invoker: ...doing something really important...
Invoker: Does anybody want something done after I finish?
ComplexCommand: Complex stuff should be done by a receiver object.
Receiver: Working on (Send email.)
Receiver: Also working on (Save report.)