Prototype en Ruby
Prototype es un patrón de diseño creacional que permite la clonación de objetos, incluso los complejos, sin acoplarse a sus clases específicas.
Todas las clases prototipo deben tener una interfaz común que haga posible copiar objetos incluso si sus clases concretas son desconocidas. Los objetos prototipo pueden producir copias completas, ya que los objetos de la misma clase pueden acceder a los campos privados de los demás.
Ejemplos de uso: El patrón Prototype está disponible en Ruby listo para usarse con los métodos dup
o clone
Identificación: El prototipo puede reconocerse fácilmente por un método clone
o copy
, etc.
Ejemplo conceptual
Este ejemplo ilustra la estructura del patrón de diseño Prototype. Se centra en responder las siguientes preguntas:
- ¿De qué clases se compone?
- ¿Qué papeles juegan esas clases?
- ¿De qué forma se relacionan los elementos del patrón?
main.rb: Ejemplo conceptual
# The example class that has cloning ability. We'll see how the values of field
# with different types will be cloned.
class Prototype
attr_accessor :primitive, :component, :circular_reference
def initialize
@primitive = nil
@component = nil
@circular_reference = nil
# @return [Prototype]
def clone
@component = deep_copy(@component)
# Cloning an object that has a nested object with backreference requires
# special treatment. After the cloning is completed, the nested object
# should point to the cloned object, instead of the original object.
@circular_reference = deep_copy(@circular_reference)
@circular_reference.prototype = self
# deep_copy is the usual Marshalling hack to make a deep copy. But it's rather
# slow and inefficient, therefore, in real applications, use a special gem.
private def deep_copy(object)
class ComponentWithBackReference
attr_accessor :prototype
# @param [Prototype] prototype
def initialize(prototype)
@prototype = prototype
# The client code.
p1 = Prototype.new
p1.primitive = 245
p1.component = Time.now
p1.circular_reference = ComponentWithBackReference.new(p1)
p2 = p1.clone
if p1.primitive == p2.primitive
puts 'Primitive field values have been carried over to a clone. Yay!'
puts 'Primitive field values have not been copied. Booo!'
if p1.component.equal?(p2.component)
puts 'Simple component has not been cloned. Booo!'
puts 'Simple component has been cloned. Yay!'
if p1.circular_reference.equal?(p2.circular_reference)
puts 'Component with back reference has not been cloned. Booo!'
puts 'Component with back reference has been cloned. Yay!'
if p1.circular_reference.prototype.equal?(p2.circular_reference.prototype)
print 'Component with back reference is linked to original object. Booo!'
print 'Component with back reference is linked to the clone. Yay!'
output.txt: Resultado de la ejecución
Primitive field values have been carried over to a clone. Yay!
Simple component has been cloned. Yay!
Component with back reference has been cloned. Yay!
Component with back reference is linked to the clone. Yay!