
Prototype en Python

Le Prototype est un patron de conception de création qui permet de cloner des objets - même complexes - sans se coupler à leur classe.

Toutes les classes prototype devraient avoir une interface commune rendant possible la copie des objets, même sans connaître leur classe concrète. Les objets prototype peuvent créer des copies complètes puisqu’ils peuvent accéder aux attributs privés des autres objets de la même classe.

Complexité :

Popularité :

Exemples d’utilisation : Le prototype est prêt à l’emploi dans Python avec une module copy.

Identification : Le prototype peut facilement être reconnu grâce aux méthodes clone ou copier, etc.

Exemple conceptuel

Dans cet exemple, nous allons voir la structure du Prototype. Nous allons répondre aux questions suivantes :

  • Que contiennent les classes ?
  • Quels rôles jouent-elles ?
  • Comment les éléments du patron sont-ils reliés ?

main.py: Exemple conceptuel

import copy

class SelfReferencingEntity:
    def __init__(self):
        self.parent = None

    def set_parent(self, parent):
        self.parent = parent

class SomeComponent:
    Python provides its own interface of Prototype via `copy.copy` and
    `copy.deepcopy` functions. And any class that wants to implement custom
    implementations have to override `__copy__` and `__deepcopy__` member

    def __init__(self, some_int, some_list_of_objects, some_circular_ref):
        self.some_int = some_int
        self.some_list_of_objects = some_list_of_objects
        self.some_circular_ref = some_circular_ref

    def __copy__(self):
        Create a shallow copy. This method will be called whenever someone calls
        `copy.copy` with this object and the returned value is returned as the
        new shallow copy.

        # First, let's create copies of the nested objects.
        some_list_of_objects = copy.copy(self.some_list_of_objects)
        some_circular_ref = copy.copy(self.some_circular_ref)

        # Then, let's clone the object itself, using the prepared clones of the
        # nested objects.
        new = self.__class__(
            self.some_int, some_list_of_objects, some_circular_ref

        return new

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None):
        Create a deep copy. This method will be called whenever someone calls
        `copy.deepcopy` with this object and the returned value is returned as
        the new deep copy.

        What is the use of the argument `memo`? Memo is the dictionary that is
        used by the `deepcopy` library to prevent infinite recursive copies in
        instances of circular references. Pass it to all the `deepcopy` calls
        you make in the `__deepcopy__` implementation to prevent infinite
        if memo is None:
            memo = {}

        # First, let's create copies of the nested objects.
        some_list_of_objects = copy.deepcopy(self.some_list_of_objects, memo)
        some_circular_ref = copy.deepcopy(self.some_circular_ref, memo)

        # Then, let's clone the object itself, using the prepared clones of the
        # nested objects.
        new = self.__class__(
            self.some_int, some_list_of_objects, some_circular_ref
        new.__dict__ = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__, memo)

        return new

if __name__ == "__main__":

    list_of_objects = [1, {1, 2, 3}, [1, 2, 3]]
    circular_ref = SelfReferencingEntity()
    component = SomeComponent(23, list_of_objects, circular_ref)

    shallow_copied_component = copy.copy(component)

    # Let's change the list in shallow_copied_component and see if it changes in
    # component.
    shallow_copied_component.some_list_of_objects.append("another object")
    if component.some_list_of_objects[-1] == "another object":
            "Adding elements to `shallow_copied_component`'s "
            "some_list_of_objects adds it to `component`'s "
            "Adding elements to `shallow_copied_component`'s "
            "some_list_of_objects doesn't add it to `component`'s "

    # Let's change the set in the list of objects.
    if 4 in shallow_copied_component.some_list_of_objects[1]:
            "Changing objects in the `component`'s some_list_of_objects "
            "changes that object in `shallow_copied_component`'s "
            "Changing objects in the `component`'s some_list_of_objects "
            "doesn't change that object in `shallow_copied_component`'s "

    deep_copied_component = copy.deepcopy(component)

    # Let's change the list in deep_copied_component and see if it changes in
    # component.
    deep_copied_component.some_list_of_objects.append("one more object")
    if component.some_list_of_objects[-1] == "one more object":
            "Adding elements to `deep_copied_component`'s "
            "some_list_of_objects adds it to `component`'s "
            "Adding elements to `deep_copied_component`'s "
            "some_list_of_objects doesn't add it to `component`'s "

    # Let's change the set in the list of objects.
    if 10 in deep_copied_component.some_list_of_objects[1]:
            "Changing objects in the `component`'s some_list_of_objects "
            "changes that object in `deep_copied_component`'s "
            "Changing objects in the `component`'s some_list_of_objects "
            "doesn't change that object in `deep_copied_component`'s "

        f"id(deep_copied_component.some_circular_ref.parent): "
        f"id(deep_copied_component.some_circular_ref.parent.some_circular_ref.parent): "
        "^^ This shows that deepcopied objects contain same reference, they "
        "are not cloned repeatedly."

Output.txt: Résultat de l’exécution

Adding elements to `shallow_copied_component`'s some_list_of_objects adds it to `component`'s some_list_of_objects.
Changing objects in the `component`'s some_list_of_objects changes that object in `shallow_copied_component`'s some_list_of_objects.
Adding elements to `deep_copied_component`'s some_list_of_objects doesn't add it to `component`'s some_list_of_objects.
Changing objects in the `component`'s some_list_of_objects doesn't change that object in `deep_copied_component`'s some_list_of_objects.
id(deep_copied_component.some_circular_ref.parent): 4429472784
id(deep_copied_component.some_circular_ref.parent.some_circular_ref.parent): 4429472784
^^ This shows that deepcopied objects contain same reference, they are not cloned repeatedly.

Prototype dans les autres langues

Prototype en C# Prototype en C++ Prototype en Go Prototype en Java Prototype en PHP Prototype en Ruby Prototype en Rust Prototype en Swift Prototype en TypeScript