Autumn SALE
Factory Method

Factory Method em Python

O Factory method é um padrão de projeto criacional, que resolve o problema de criar objetos de produtos sem especificar suas classes concretas.

O Factory Method define um método, que deve ser usado para criar objetos em vez da chamada direta ao construtor (operador new). As subclasses podem substituir esse método para alterar a classe de objetos que serão criados.

Se você não conseguir descobrir a diferença entre os padrões Factory, Factory Method e Abstract Factory, leia nossa Comparação Factory.



Exemplos de uso: O padrão Factory Method é amplamente utilizado no código Python. É muito útil quando você precisa fornecer um alto nível de flexibilidade para seu código.

Identificação: Os métodos fábrica podem ser reconhecidos por métodos de criação, que criam objetos de classes concretas, mas os retornam como objetos de tipo ou interface abstrata.

Exemplo conceitual

Este exemplo ilustra a estrutura do padrão de projeto Factory Method. Ele se concentra em responder a estas perguntas:

  • De quais classes ele consiste?
  • Quais papéis essas classes desempenham?
  • De que maneira os elementos do padrão estão relacionados? Exemplo conceitual

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Creator(ABC):
    The Creator class declares the factory method that is supposed to return an
    object of a Product class. The Creator's subclasses usually provide the
    implementation of this method.

    def factory_method(self):
        Note that the Creator may also provide some default implementation of
        the factory method.

    def some_operation(self) -> str:
        Also note that, despite its name, the Creator's primary responsibility
        is not creating products. Usually, it contains some core business logic
        that relies on Product objects, returned by the factory method.
        Subclasses can indirectly change that business logic by overriding the
        factory method and returning a different type of product from it.

        # Call the factory method to create a Product object.
        product = self.factory_method()

        # Now, use the product.
        result = f"Creator: The same creator's code has just worked with {product.operation()}"

        return result

Concrete Creators override the factory method in order to change the resulting
product's type.

class ConcreteCreator1(Creator):
    Note that the signature of the method still uses the abstract product type,
    even though the concrete product is actually returned from the method. This
    way the Creator can stay independent of concrete product classes.

    def factory_method(self) -> Product:
        return ConcreteProduct1()

class ConcreteCreator2(Creator):
    def factory_method(self) -> Product:
        return ConcreteProduct2()

class Product(ABC):
    The Product interface declares the operations that all concrete products
    must implement.

    def operation(self) -> str:

Concrete Products provide various implementations of the Product interface.

class ConcreteProduct1(Product):
    def operation(self) -> str:
        return "{Result of the ConcreteProduct1}"

class ConcreteProduct2(Product):
    def operation(self) -> str:
        return "{Result of the ConcreteProduct2}"

def client_code(creator: Creator) -> None:
    The client code works with an instance of a concrete creator, albeit through
    its base interface. As long as the client keeps working with the creator via
    the base interface, you can pass it any creator's subclass.

    print(f"Client: I'm not aware of the creator's class, but it still works.\n"
          f"{creator.some_operation()}", end="")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("App: Launched with the ConcreteCreator1.")

    print("App: Launched with the ConcreteCreator2.")

Output.txt: Resultados da execução

App: Launched with the ConcreteCreator1.
Client: I'm not aware of the creator's class, but it still works.
Creator: The same creator's code has just worked with {Result of the ConcreteProduct1}

App: Launched with the ConcreteCreator2.
Client: I'm not aware of the creator's class, but it still works.
Creator: The same creator's code has just worked with {Result of the ConcreteProduct2}

Factory Method em outras linguagens

Factory Method em C# Factory Method em C++ Factory Method em Go Factory Method em Java Factory Method em PHP Factory Method em Ruby Factory Method em Rust Factory Method em Swift Factory Method em TypeScript