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자바로 작성된 빌더

빌더는 복잡한 객체들을 단계별로 생성할 수 있도록 하는 생성 디자인 패턴입니다.

다른 생성 패턴과 달리 빌더 패턴은 제품들에 공통 인터페이스를 요구하지 않습니다. 이를 통해 같은 생성공정을 사용하여 다양한 제품을 생산할 수 있습니다.



사용 예시들: 빌더 패턴은 자바 개발자들에게 잘 알려진 패턴이며, 가능한 설정 옵션이 많은 객체를 만들어야 할 때 특히 유용합니다.

빌더는 자바 코어 라이브러리에서 널리 사용됩니다.

식별법: 빌더 패턴은 하나의 생성 메서드와 결과 객체를 설정하기 위한 여러 메서드가 있는 클래스가 있습니다. 또 빌더 메서드들은 자주 사슬식 연결을 지원합니다 (예: someBuilder.​setValueA(1).​setValueB(2).​create()).

단계별 자동차 생성

이 예시에서의 빌더 패턴은 다양한 자동차 모델을 단계별로 생성할 수 있습니다.

이 예시는 또 빌더가 어떻게 같은 생성 단계들을 사용하여 다양한 종류의 제품들​(예: 자동차 매뉴얼)​을 생성하는 방법을 보여줍니다.

디렉터는 생성 순서를 통제하며 특정 자동차 모델을 생성하기 위해 어떤 특정 생성 단계를 호출해야 하는지를 알고 있습니다. 또 디렉터는 빌더들의 공통 인터페이스를 통해서만 빌더들과 함께 작동하며 이는 다양한 유형의 빌더들을 디렉터에게 전달할 수 있도록 합니다.

최종 결과는 빌더 객체에서부터 가져옵니다. 왜냐하면 디렉터는 결과 제품의 유형을 알 수 없기 때문입니다. 빌더 객체만이 자신이 정확히 무엇을 생성하는지 압니다.


builders/Builder.java: 공통 빌더 인터페이스

package refactoring_guru.builder.example.builders;

import refactoring_guru.builder.example.cars.CarType;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.Engine;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.GPSNavigator;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.Transmission;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.TripComputer;

 * Builder interface defines all possible ways to configure a product.
public interface Builder {
    void setCarType(CarType type);
    void setSeats(int seats);
    void setEngine(Engine engine);
    void setTransmission(Transmission transmission);
    void setTripComputer(TripComputer tripComputer);
    void setGPSNavigator(GPSNavigator gpsNavigator);

builders/CarBuilder.java: 자동차의 빌더

package refactoring_guru.builder.example.builders;

import refactoring_guru.builder.example.cars.Car;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.cars.CarType;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.Engine;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.GPSNavigator;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.Transmission;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.TripComputer;

 * Concrete builders implement steps defined in the common interface.
public class CarBuilder implements Builder {
    private CarType type;
    private int seats;
    private Engine engine;
    private Transmission transmission;
    private TripComputer tripComputer;
    private GPSNavigator gpsNavigator;

    public void setCarType(CarType type) {
        this.type = type;

    public void setSeats(int seats) {
        this.seats = seats;

    public void setEngine(Engine engine) {
        this.engine = engine;

    public void setTransmission(Transmission transmission) {
        this.transmission = transmission;

    public void setTripComputer(TripComputer tripComputer) {
        this.tripComputer = tripComputer;

    public void setGPSNavigator(GPSNavigator gpsNavigator) {
        this.gpsNavigator = gpsNavigator;

    public Car getResult() {
        return new Car(type, seats, engine, transmission, tripComputer, gpsNavigator);

builders/CarManualBuilder.java: 자동차 매뉴얼의 빌더

package refactoring_guru.builder.example.builders;

import refactoring_guru.builder.example.cars.Manual;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.cars.CarType;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.Engine;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.GPSNavigator;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.Transmission;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.TripComputer;

 * Unlike other creational patterns, Builder can construct unrelated products,
 * which don't have the common interface.
 * In this case we build a user manual for a car, using the same steps as we
 * built a car. This allows to produce manuals for specific car models,
 * configured with different features.
public class CarManualBuilder implements Builder{
    private CarType type;
    private int seats;
    private Engine engine;
    private Transmission transmission;
    private TripComputer tripComputer;
    private GPSNavigator gpsNavigator;

    public void setCarType(CarType type) {
        this.type = type;

    public void setSeats(int seats) {
        this.seats = seats;

    public void setEngine(Engine engine) {
        this.engine = engine;

    public void setTransmission(Transmission transmission) {
        this.transmission = transmission;

    public void setTripComputer(TripComputer tripComputer) {
        this.tripComputer = tripComputer;

    public void setGPSNavigator(GPSNavigator gpsNavigator) {
        this.gpsNavigator = gpsNavigator;

    public Manual getResult() {
        return new Manual(type, seats, engine, transmission, tripComputer, gpsNavigator);


cars/Car.java: 자동차 제품

package refactoring_guru.builder.example.cars;

import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.Engine;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.GPSNavigator;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.Transmission;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.TripComputer;

 * Car is a product class.
public class Car {
    private final CarType carType;
    private final int seats;
    private final Engine engine;
    private final Transmission transmission;
    private final TripComputer tripComputer;
    private final GPSNavigator gpsNavigator;
    private double fuel = 0;

    public Car(CarType carType, int seats, Engine engine, Transmission transmission,
               TripComputer tripComputer, GPSNavigator gpsNavigator) {
        this.carType = carType;
        this.seats = seats;
        this.engine = engine;
        this.transmission = transmission;
        this.tripComputer = tripComputer;
        if (this.tripComputer != null) {
        this.gpsNavigator = gpsNavigator;

    public CarType getCarType() {
        return carType;

    public double getFuel() {
        return fuel;

    public void setFuel(double fuel) {
        this.fuel = fuel;

    public int getSeats() {
        return seats;

    public Engine getEngine() {
        return engine;

    public Transmission getTransmission() {
        return transmission;

    public TripComputer getTripComputer() {
        return tripComputer;

    public GPSNavigator getGpsNavigator() {
        return gpsNavigator;

cars/Manual.java: 자동차 매뉴얼 제품

package refactoring_guru.builder.example.cars;

import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.Engine;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.GPSNavigator;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.Transmission;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.TripComputer;

 * Car manual is another product. Note that it does not have the same ancestor
 * as a Car. They are not related.
public class Manual {
    private final CarType carType;
    private final int seats;
    private final Engine engine;
    private final Transmission transmission;
    private final TripComputer tripComputer;
    private final GPSNavigator gpsNavigator;

    public Manual(CarType carType, int seats, Engine engine, Transmission transmission,
                  TripComputer tripComputer, GPSNavigator gpsNavigator) {
        this.carType = carType;
        this.seats = seats;
        this.engine = engine;
        this.transmission = transmission;
        this.tripComputer = tripComputer;
        this.gpsNavigator = gpsNavigator;

    public String print() {
        String info = "";
        info += "Type of car: " + carType + "\n";
        info += "Count of seats: " + seats + "\n";
        info += "Engine: volume - " + engine.getVolume() + "; mileage - " + engine.getMileage() + "\n";
        info += "Transmission: " + transmission + "\n";
        if (this.tripComputer != null) {
            info += "Trip Computer: Functional" + "\n";
        } else {
            info += "Trip Computer: N/A" + "\n";
        if (this.gpsNavigator != null) {
            info += "GPS Navigator: Functional" + "\n";
        } else {
            info += "GPS Navigator: N/A" + "\n";
        return info;


package refactoring_guru.builder.example.cars;

public enum CarType {


components/Engine.java: 제품 특성 1

package refactoring_guru.builder.example.components;

 * Just another feature of a car.
public class Engine {
    private final double volume;
    private double mileage;
    private boolean started;

    public Engine(double volume, double mileage) {
        this.volume = volume;
        this.mileage = mileage;

    public void on() {
        started = true;

    public void off() {
        started = false;

    public boolean isStarted() {
        return started;

    public void go(double mileage) {
        if (started) {
            this.mileage += mileage;
        } else {
            System.err.println("Cannot go(), you must start engine first!");

    public double getVolume() {
        return volume;

    public double getMileage() {
        return mileage;

components/GPSNavigator.java: 제품 특성 2

package refactoring_guru.builder.example.components;

 * Just another feature of a car.
public class GPSNavigator {
    private String route;

    public GPSNavigator() {
        this.route = "221b, Baker Street, London  to Scotland Yard, 8-10 Broadway, London";

    public GPSNavigator(String manualRoute) {
        this.route = manualRoute;

    public String getRoute() {
        return route;

components/Transmission.java: 제품 특성 3

package refactoring_guru.builder.example.components;

 * Just another feature of a car.
public enum Transmission {

components/TripComputer.java: 제품 특성 4

package refactoring_guru.builder.example.components;

import refactoring_guru.builder.example.cars.Car;

 * Just another feature of a car.
public class TripComputer {

    private Car car;

    public void setCar(Car car) {
        this.car = car;

    public void showFuelLevel() {
        System.out.println("Fuel level: " + car.getFuel());

    public void showStatus() {
        if (this.car.getEngine().isStarted()) {
            System.out.println("Car is started");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Car isn't started");


director/Director.java: 디렉터는 빌더들을 제어합니다

package refactoring_guru.builder.example.director;

import refactoring_guru.builder.example.builders.Builder;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.cars.CarType;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.Engine;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.GPSNavigator;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.Transmission;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.components.TripComputer;

 * Director defines the order of building steps. It works with a builder object
 * through common Builder interface. Therefore it may not know what product is
 * being built.
public class Director {

    public void constructSportsCar(Builder builder) {
        builder.setEngine(new Engine(3.0, 0));
        builder.setTripComputer(new TripComputer());
        builder.setGPSNavigator(new GPSNavigator());

    public void constructCityCar(Builder builder) {
        builder.setEngine(new Engine(1.2, 0));
        builder.setTripComputer(new TripComputer());
        builder.setGPSNavigator(new GPSNavigator());

    public void constructSUV(Builder builder) {
        builder.setEngine(new Engine(2.5, 0));
        builder.setGPSNavigator(new GPSNavigator());

Demo.java: 클라이언트 코드

package refactoring_guru.builder.example;

import refactoring_guru.builder.example.builders.CarBuilder;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.builders.CarManualBuilder;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.cars.Car;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.cars.Manual;
import refactoring_guru.builder.example.director.Director;

 * Demo class. Everything comes together here.
public class Demo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Director director = new Director();

        // Director gets the concrete builder object from the client
        // (application code). That's because application knows better which
        // builder to use to get a specific product.
        CarBuilder builder = new CarBuilder();

        // The final product is often retrieved from a builder object, since
        // Director is not aware and not dependent on concrete builders and
        // products.
        Car car = builder.getResult();
        System.out.println("Car built:\n" + car.getCarType());

        CarManualBuilder manualBuilder = new CarManualBuilder();

        // Director may know several building recipes.
        Manual carManual = manualBuilder.getResult();
        System.out.println("\nCar manual built:\n" + carManual.print());


OutputDemo.txt: 실행 결과

Car built:

Car manual built:
Type of car: SPORTS_CAR
Count of seats: 2
Engine: volume - 3.0; mileage - 0.0
Transmission: SEMI_AUTOMATIC
Trip Computer: Functional
GPS Navigator: Functional

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