Adapter を PHP で
Adapter は、 構造に関するデザインパターンの一つで、 非互換なオブジェクト同士の協働を可能とします。
アダプターは二つのオブジェクト間のラッパーとして機能します。 一方のオブジェクトへの呼び出しを捕まえ、 二つ目のオブジェクトが認識可能なデータ形式とインターフェースに変換します。
使用例: Adapter パターンは PHP コードではよく見かけます。 旧来のコードに基づいたシステムでよく使用されます。 そのような場合、 アダプターは旧来のコードを現代のクラスから使用可能にします。
見つけ方: アダプターは、 異なる抽象クラスまたはインターフェース型のインスタンスを取るコンストラクターの存在により認識できます。 アダプターは、 いずれかのメソッドへの呼び出しを受け取ると、 パラメーターを適切な形式に変換し、 ラップされたオブジェクトの一つまたは複数のメソッドを呼び出します。
この例は、 Adapter デザインパターンの構造を説明するためのものです。 以下の質問に答えることを目的としています:
- どういうクラスからできているか?
- それぞれのクラスの役割は?
- パターンの要素同士はどう関係しているのか?
ここでパターンの構造を学んだ後だと、 これに続く、 現実世界の PHP でのユースケースが理解しやすくなります。
index.php: 概念的な例
namespace RefactoringGuru\Adapter\Conceptual;
* The Target defines the domain-specific interface used by the client code.
class Target
public function request(): string
return "Target: The default target's behavior.";
* The Adaptee contains some useful behavior, but its interface is incompatible
* with the existing client code. The Adaptee needs some adaptation before the
* client code can use it.
class Adaptee
public function specificRequest(): string
return ".eetpadA eht fo roivaheb laicepS";
* The Adapter makes the Adaptee's interface compatible with the Target's
* interface.
class Adapter extends Target
private $adaptee;
public function __construct(Adaptee $adaptee)
$this->adaptee = $adaptee;
public function request(): string
return "Adapter: (TRANSLATED) " . strrev($this->adaptee->specificRequest());
* The client code supports all classes that follow the Target interface.
function clientCode(Target $target)
echo $target->request();
echo "Client: I can work just fine with the Target objects:\n";
$target = new Target();
echo "\n\n";
$adaptee = new Adaptee();
echo "Client: The Adaptee class has a weird interface. See, I don't understand it:\n";
echo "Adaptee: " . $adaptee->specificRequest();
echo "\n\n";
echo "Client: But I can work with it via the Adapter:\n";
$adapter = new Adapter($adaptee);
Output.txt: 実行結果
Client: I can work just fine with the Target objects:
Target: The default target's behavior.
Client: The Adaptee class has a weird interface. See, I don't understand it:
Adaptee: .eetpadA eht fo roivaheb laicepS
Client: But I can work with it via the Adapter:
Adapter: (TRANSLATED) Special behavior of the Adaptee.
Adapter パターンでは、 自分のコードの大部分と互換性がない他社作成のクラスや旧来のクラスを使えるようにします。 たとえば、 Slack、 Facebook、 SMS、 (その他適宜) などの他社のサービスをサポートするために自分のアプリの通知インターフェースを書き直す代わりに、 アプリからの呼び出しを、 それぞれの他社作成クラスが要求するインターフェースとデータ形式に適合させる特別なラッパーを書くことができます。
index.php: 現実的な例
namespace RefactoringGuru\Adapter\RealWorld;
* The Target interface represents the interface that your application's classes
* already follow.
interface Notification
public function send(string $title, string $message);
* Here's an example of the existing class that follows the Target interface.
* The truth is that many real apps may not have this interface clearly defined.
* If you're in that boat, your best bet would be to extend the Adapter from one
* of your application's existing classes. If that's awkward (for instance,
* SlackNotification doesn't feel like a subclass of EmailNotification), then
* extracting an interface should be your first step.
class EmailNotification implements Notification
private $adminEmail;
public function __construct(string $adminEmail)
$this->adminEmail = $adminEmail;
public function send(string $title, string $message): void
mail($this->adminEmail, $title, $message);
echo "Sent email with title '$title' to '{$this->adminEmail}' that says '$message'.";
* The Adaptee is some useful class, incompatible with the Target interface. You
* can't just go in and change the code of the class to follow the Target
* interface, since the code might be provided by a 3rd-party library.
class SlackApi
private $login;
private $apiKey;
public function __construct(string $login, string $apiKey)
$this->login = $login;
$this->apiKey = $apiKey;
public function logIn(): void
// Send authentication request to Slack web service.
echo "Logged in to a slack account '{$this->login}'.\n";
public function sendMessage(string $chatId, string $message): void
// Send message post request to Slack web service.
echo "Posted following message into the '$chatId' chat: '$message'.\n";
* The Adapter is a class that links the Target interface and the Adaptee class.
* In this case, it allows the application to send notifications using Slack
* API.
class SlackNotification implements Notification
private $slack;
private $chatId;
public function __construct(SlackApi $slack, string $chatId)
$this->slack = $slack;
$this->chatId = $chatId;
* An Adapter is not only capable of adapting interfaces, but it can also
* convert incoming data to the format required by the Adaptee.
public function send(string $title, string $message): void
$slackMessage = "#" . $title . "# " . strip_tags($message);
$this->slack->sendMessage($this->chatId, $slackMessage);
* The client code can work with any class that follows the Target interface.
function clientCode(Notification $notification)
// ...
echo $notification->send("Website is down!",
"<strong style='color:red;font-size: 50px;'>Alert!</strong> " .
"Our website is not responding. Call admins and bring it up!");
// ...
echo "Client code is designed correctly and works with email notifications:\n";
$notification = new EmailNotification("developers@example.com");
echo "\n\n";
echo "The same client code can work with other classes via adapter:\n";
$slackApi = new SlackApi("example.com", "XXXXXXXX");
$notification = new SlackNotification($slackApi, "Example.com Developers");
Output.txt: 実行結果
Client code is designed correctly and works with email notifications:
Sent email with title 'Website is down!' to 'developers@example.com' that says '<strong style='color:red;font-size: 50px;'>Alert!</strong> Our website is not responding. Call admins and bring it up!'.
The same client code can work with other classes via adapter:
Logged in to a slack account 'example.com'.
Posted following message into the 'Example.com Developers' chat: '#Website is down!# Alert! Our website is not responding. Call admins and bring it up!'.