Spring SALE

Prototype em C++

O Prototype é um padrão de projeto criacional que permite a clonagem de objetos, mesmo complexos, sem acoplamento à suas classes específicas.

Todas as classes de prototypes(protótipos) devem ter uma interface comum que permita copiar objetos, mesmo que suas classes concretas sejam desconhecidas. Objetos protótipos podem produzir cópias completas, pois objetos da mesma classe podem acessar os campos privados um do outro.



Identificação: O prototype pode ser facilmente reconhecido pelos métodos clone ou copy, etc.

Exemplo conceitual

Este exemplo ilustra a estrutura do padrão de projeto Prototype. Ele se concentra em responder a estas perguntas:

  • De quais classes ele consiste?
  • Quais papéis essas classes desempenham?
  • De que maneira os elementos do padrão estão relacionados?

main.cc: Exemplo conceitual

using std::string;

// Prototype Design Pattern
// Intent: Lets you copy existing objects without making your code dependent on
// their classes.

enum Type {
  PROTOTYPE_1 = 0,

 * The example class that has cloning ability. We'll see how the values of field
 * with different types will be cloned.

class Prototype {
  string prototype_name_;
  float prototype_field_;

  Prototype() {}
  Prototype(string prototype_name)
      : prototype_name_(prototype_name) {
  virtual ~Prototype() {}
  virtual Prototype *Clone() const = 0;
  virtual void Method(float prototype_field) {
    this->prototype_field_ = prototype_field;
    std::cout << "Call Method from " << prototype_name_ << " with field : " << prototype_field << std::endl;

 * ConcretePrototype1 is a Sub-Class of Prototype and implement the Clone Method
 * In this example all data members of Prototype Class are in the Stack. If you
 * have pointers in your properties for ex: String* name_ ,you will need to
 * implement the Copy-Constructor to make sure you have a deep copy from the
 * clone method

class ConcretePrototype1 : public Prototype {
  float concrete_prototype_field1_;

  ConcretePrototype1(string prototype_name, float concrete_prototype_field)
      : Prototype(prototype_name), concrete_prototype_field1_(concrete_prototype_field) {

   * Notice that Clone method return a Pointer to a new ConcretePrototype1
   * replica. so, the client (who call the clone method) has the responsability
   * to free that memory. If you have smart pointer knowledge you may prefer to
   * use unique_pointer here.
  Prototype *Clone() const override {
    return new ConcretePrototype1(*this);

class ConcretePrototype2 : public Prototype {
  float concrete_prototype_field2_;

  ConcretePrototype2(string prototype_name, float concrete_prototype_field)
      : Prototype(prototype_name), concrete_prototype_field2_(concrete_prototype_field) {
  Prototype *Clone() const override {
    return new ConcretePrototype2(*this);

 * In PrototypeFactory you have two concrete prototypes, one for each concrete
 * prototype class, so each time you want to create a bullet , you can use the
 * existing ones and clone those.

class PrototypeFactory {
  std::unordered_map<Type, Prototype *, std::hash<int>> prototypes_;

  PrototypeFactory() {
    prototypes_[Type::PROTOTYPE_1] = new ConcretePrototype1("PROTOTYPE_1 ", 50.f);
    prototypes_[Type::PROTOTYPE_2] = new ConcretePrototype2("PROTOTYPE_2 ", 60.f);

   * Be carefull of free all memory allocated. Again, if you have smart pointers
   * knowelege will be better to use it here.

  ~PrototypeFactory() {
    delete prototypes_[Type::PROTOTYPE_1];
    delete prototypes_[Type::PROTOTYPE_2];

   * Notice here that you just need to specify the type of the prototype you
   * want and the method will create from the object with this type.
  Prototype *CreatePrototype(Type type) {
    return prototypes_[type]->Clone();

void Client(PrototypeFactory &prototype_factory) {
  std::cout << "Let's create a Prototype 1\n";

  Prototype *prototype = prototype_factory.CreatePrototype(Type::PROTOTYPE_1);
  delete prototype;

  std::cout << "\n";

  std::cout << "Let's create a Prototype 2 \n";

  prototype = prototype_factory.CreatePrototype(Type::PROTOTYPE_2);

  delete prototype;

int main() {
  PrototypeFactory *prototype_factory = new PrototypeFactory();
  delete prototype_factory;

  return 0;

Output.txt: Resultados da execução

Let's create a Prototype 1
Call Method from PROTOTYPE_1  with field : 90

Let's create a Prototype 2 
Call Method from PROTOTYPE_2  with field : 10

Prototype em outras linguagens

Prototype em C# Prototype em Go Prototype em Java Prototype em PHP Prototype em Python Prototype em Ruby Prototype em Rust Prototype em Swift Prototype em TypeScript