Remove Middle Man
A class has too many methods that simply delegate to other objects.
Delete these methods and force the client to call the end methods directly.
![Remove Middle Man - Before](/images/refactoring/diagrams/Remove Middle Man - Before.png?id=f51110f3e0d4423b3f9088e92fc3dce4)
![Remove Middle Man - After](/images/refactoring/diagrams/Remove Middle Man - After.png?id=f7de1016e76545f7c51af09463ce5f4c)
Why Refactor
To describe this technique, we’ll use the terms from Hide Delegate, which are:
Server is the object to which the client has direct access.
Delegate is the end object that contains the functionality needed by the client.
There are two types of problems:
The server-class doesn’t do anything itself and simply creates needless complexity. In this case, give thought to whether this class is needed at all.
Every time a new feature is added to the delegate, you need to create a delegating method for it in the server-class. If a lot of changes are made, this will be rather tiresome.
How to Refactor
Create a getter for accessing the delegate-class object from the server-class object.
Replace calls to delegating methods in the server-class with direct calls for methods in the delegate-class.