
Flyweight in Swift

Flyweight is a structural design pattern that allows programs to support vast quantities of objects by keeping their memory consumption low.

The pattern achieves it by sharing parts of object state between multiple objects. In other words, the Flyweight saves RAM by caching the same data used by different objects.



Usage examples: The Flyweight pattern has a single purpose: minimizing memory intake. If your program doesn’t struggle with a shortage of RAM, then you might just ignore this pattern for a while.

Identification: Flyweight can be recognized by a creation method that returns cached objects instead of creating new.

The following examples are available on Swift Playgrounds.
Kudos to Alejandro Mohamad for creating the Playground version.

Flyweight in Other Languages

Flyweight in C# Flyweight in C++ Flyweight in Go Flyweight in Java Flyweight in PHP Flyweight in Python Flyweight in Ruby Flyweight in Rust Flyweight in TypeScript