Summer SALE

Mediator in Go

Mediator is a behavioral design pattern that reduces coupling between components of a program by making them communicate indirectly, through a special mediator object.

The Mediator makes it easy to modify, extend and reuse individual components because they’re no longer dependent on the dozens of other classes.

Conceptual Example

An excellent example of the Mediator pattern is a railway station traffic system. Two trains never communicate between themselves for the availability of the platform. The stationManager acts as a mediator and makes the platform available to only one of the arriving trains while keeping the rest in a queue. A departing train notifies the stations, which lets the next train in the queue to arrive.

train.go: Component

package main

type Train interface {

passengerTrain.go: Concrete component

package main

import "fmt"

type PassengerTrain struct {
	mediator Mediator

func (g *PassengerTrain) arrive() {
	if !g.mediator.canArrive(g) {
		fmt.Println("PassengerTrain: Arrival blocked, waiting")
	fmt.Println("PassengerTrain: Arrived")

func (g *PassengerTrain) depart() {
	fmt.Println("PassengerTrain: Leaving")

func (g *PassengerTrain) permitArrival() {
	fmt.Println("PassengerTrain: Arrival permitted, arriving")

freightTrain.go: Concrete component

package main

import "fmt"

type FreightTrain struct {
	mediator Mediator

func (g *FreightTrain) arrive() {
	if !g.mediator.canArrive(g) {
		fmt.Println("FreightTrain: Arrival blocked, waiting")
	fmt.Println("FreightTrain: Arrived")

func (g *FreightTrain) depart() {
	fmt.Println("FreightTrain: Leaving")

func (g *FreightTrain) permitArrival() {
	fmt.Println("FreightTrain: Arrival permitted")

mediator.go: Mediator interface

package main

type Mediator interface {
	canArrive(Train) bool

stationManager.go: Concrete mediator

package main

type StationManager struct {
	isPlatformFree bool
	trainQueue     []Train

func newStationManger() *StationManager {
	return &StationManager{
		isPlatformFree: true,

func (s *StationManager) canArrive(t Train) bool {
	if s.isPlatformFree {
		s.isPlatformFree = false
		return true
	s.trainQueue = append(s.trainQueue, t)
	return false

func (s *StationManager) notifyAboutDeparture() {
	if !s.isPlatformFree {
		s.isPlatformFree = true
	if len(s.trainQueue) > 0 {
		firstTrainInQueue := s.trainQueue[0]
		s.trainQueue = s.trainQueue[1:]

main.go: Client code

package main

func main() {
	stationManager := newStationManger()

	passengerTrain := &PassengerTrain{
		mediator: stationManager,
	freightTrain := &FreightTrain{
		mediator: stationManager,


output.txt: Execution result

PassengerTrain: Arrived
FreightTrain: Arrival blocked, waiting
PassengerTrain: Leaving
FreightTrain: Arrival permitted
FreightTrain: Arrived

Mediator in Other Languages

Mediator in C# Mediator in C++ Mediator in Java Mediator in PHP Mediator in Python Mediator in Ruby Mediator in Rust Mediator in Swift Mediator in TypeScript