Bridge in Go
Bridge is a structural design pattern that divides business logic or huge class into separate class hierarchies that can be developed independently.
One of these hierarchies (often called the Abstraction) will get a reference to an object of the second hierarchy (Implementation). The abstraction will be able to delegate some (sometimes, most) of its calls to the implementations object. Since all implementations will have a common interface, they’d be interchangeable inside the abstraction.
Conceptual Example
Say, you have two types of computers: Mac and Windows. Also, two types of printers: Epson and HP. Both computers and printers need to work with each other in any combination. The client doesn’t want to worry about the details of connecting printers to computers.
If we introduce new printers, we don’t want our code to grow exponentially. Instead of creating four structs for the 2*2 combination, we create two hierarchies:
- Abstraction hierarchy: this will be our computers
- Implementation hierarchy: this will be our printers
These two hierarchies communicate with each other via a Bridge, where the Abstraction (computer) contains a reference to the Implementation (printer). Both the abstraction and implementation can be developed independently without affecting each other.
computer.go: Abstraction
package main
type Computer interface {
mac.go: Refined abstraction
package main
import "fmt"
type Mac struct {
printer Printer
func (m *Mac) Print() {
fmt.Println("Print request for mac")
func (m *Mac) SetPrinter(p Printer) {
m.printer = p
windows.go: Refined abstraction
package main
import "fmt"
type Windows struct {
printer Printer
func (w *Windows) Print() {
fmt.Println("Print request for windows")
func (w *Windows) SetPrinter(p Printer) {
w.printer = p
printer.go: Implementation
package main
type Printer interface {
epson.go: Concrete implementation
package main
import "fmt"
type Epson struct {
func (p *Epson) PrintFile() {
fmt.Println("Printing by a EPSON Printer")
hp.go: Concrete implementation
package main
import "fmt"
type Hp struct {
func (p *Hp) PrintFile() {
fmt.Println("Printing by a HP Printer")
main.go: Client code
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
hpPrinter := &Hp{}
epsonPrinter := &Epson{}
macComputer := &Mac{}
winComputer := &Windows{}
output.txt: Execution result
Print request for mac
Printing by a HP Printer
Print request for mac
Printing by a EPSON Printer
Print request for windows
Printing by a HP Printer
Print request for windows