Spring SALE

Odwiedzający w języku TypeScript

Odwiedzający to behawioralny wzorzec projektowy pozwalający dodawać nowe zachowanie istniejącej hierarchii klas bez zmiany kodu jej klas.

O tym, dlaczego Odwiedzającego nie można po prostu zastąpić przeciążaniem metod, przeczytasz w naszym artykule Odwiedzający i podwójna dyspozycja.



Przykłady użycia: Odwiedzający nie jest zbyt powszechnie stosowany, gdyż jest skomplikowany i ma wąski zakres stosowania.

Przykład koncepcyjny

Poniższy przykład ilustruje strukturę wzorca Odwiedzający ze szczególnym naciskiem na następujące zagadnienia:

  • Z jakich składa się klas?
  • Jakie role pełnią te klasy?
  • W jaki sposób elementy wzorca są ze sobą powiązane?

index.ts: Przykład koncepcyjny

 * The Component interface declares an `accept` method that should take the base
 * visitor interface as an argument.
interface Component {
    accept(visitor: Visitor): void;

 * Each Concrete Component must implement the `accept` method in such a way that
 * it calls the visitor's method corresponding to the component's class.
class ConcreteComponentA implements Component {
     * Note that we're calling `visitConcreteComponentA`, which matches the
     * current class name. This way we let the visitor know the class of the
     * component it works with.
    public accept(visitor: Visitor): void {

     * Concrete Components may have special methods that don't exist in their
     * base class or interface. The Visitor is still able to use these methods
     * since it's aware of the component's concrete class.
    public exclusiveMethodOfConcreteComponentA(): string {
        return 'A';

class ConcreteComponentB implements Component {
     * Same here: visitConcreteComponentB => ConcreteComponentB
    public accept(visitor: Visitor): void {

    public specialMethodOfConcreteComponentB(): string {
        return 'B';

 * The Visitor Interface declares a set of visiting methods that correspond to
 * component classes. The signature of a visiting method allows the visitor to
 * identify the exact class of the component that it's dealing with.
interface Visitor {
    visitConcreteComponentA(element: ConcreteComponentA): void;

    visitConcreteComponentB(element: ConcreteComponentB): void;

 * Concrete Visitors implement several versions of the same algorithm, which can
 * work with all concrete component classes.
 * You can experience the biggest benefit of the Visitor pattern when using it
 * with a complex object structure, such as a Composite tree. In this case, it
 * might be helpful to store some intermediate state of the algorithm while
 * executing visitor's methods over various objects of the structure.
class ConcreteVisitor1 implements Visitor {
    public visitConcreteComponentA(element: ConcreteComponentA): void {
        console.log(`${element.exclusiveMethodOfConcreteComponentA()} + ConcreteVisitor1`);

    public visitConcreteComponentB(element: ConcreteComponentB): void {
        console.log(`${element.specialMethodOfConcreteComponentB()} + ConcreteVisitor1`);

class ConcreteVisitor2 implements Visitor {
    public visitConcreteComponentA(element: ConcreteComponentA): void {
        console.log(`${element.exclusiveMethodOfConcreteComponentA()} + ConcreteVisitor2`);

    public visitConcreteComponentB(element: ConcreteComponentB): void {
        console.log(`${element.specialMethodOfConcreteComponentB()} + ConcreteVisitor2`);

 * The client code can run visitor operations over any set of elements without
 * figuring out their concrete classes. The accept operation directs a call to
 * the appropriate operation in the visitor object.
function clientCode(components: Component[], visitor: Visitor) {
    // ...
    for (const component of components) {
    // ...

const components = [
    new ConcreteComponentA(),
    new ConcreteComponentB(),

console.log('The client code works with all visitors via the base Visitor interface:');
const visitor1 = new ConcreteVisitor1();
clientCode(components, visitor1);

console.log('It allows the same client code to work with different types of visitors:');
const visitor2 = new ConcreteVisitor2();
clientCode(components, visitor2);

Output.txt: Wynik działania

The client code works with all visitors via the base Visitor interface:
A + ConcreteVisitor1
B + ConcreteVisitor1

It allows the same client code to work with different types of visitors:
A + ConcreteVisitor2
B + ConcreteVisitor2

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